Wait.. your married?? (Wrotebehz)

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Ethan and Harry were chatting in the front room JJ and Simon were playing pool Vik and Tobi were in the swimming pool and Josh is Harry had a ring he had always wore ever since Ethan gave it to them. But there's a big problem Ethan dad hates Harry and he doesn't even know he's gay.. especially with his best friend.. Harry"Ethan.." Ethan"yeah babe?" Harry" you know your dad hates me right?" Ethan"what..no he doesn't?! Harry"yeah yeah he does.." Ethan"whatever no matter so what ever he hates you my mum Loves you every time I'm in the phone call on my mum she's like oh is Harry alright or Harry would be a lovely boyfriend for you." He chuckled Harry laughed with him. Harry"let's go and announce it then.." Ethan"you sure..?" Harry"yes.." Ethan"going to my mums house same with Harry bye!!!!" All"Bye!! Have fun!" They leave and arrive Th knock on the door Madia"Ethan!"Ethan" hey mum." Lucas" hey son.." Ethan" hey dad." Madia"oh why is Harry here?" Ethan"um..that's what I want to talk about Harry come in.." They go to the dining room Harry"um..we're engaged!" Madia"I'm so happy fir you Ethan"dad..?" Lucas" what did I tell you when you were 8?" Ethan sighs Ethan"look I know what you said and I didn't listen because people are aloud to love who we want to and I love Harry and nothing is gonna change that." Lucas sighs"your a disappointment mainly because of you!"looked at Harry Ethan"you leave him out of this." Madia"um..Harry dear wanna go and make a coffee with me?" Harry"s-sure.." they leave the room Harry"I knew this would happen.." Madia"hey..it's gonna be okay.. you have me on your side and your not a disappointment because you made my son gay I love him just the way he is.."Harry"I'm glad your better than my mum.." Harry"w-why?" Harry"she pushed me kicked me and abused me when I came out but I'm safe now I live with him and a few others" Madia"good.." they hear shouting from the room Ethan"what  is wrong with you only because you got taught that you don't have t-" he realises he was crying Lucas" I can't do anything right can I?"Ethan sighs Ethan" how about we chill and make things a bit better.." Lucas"yeah.."Ethan smiled

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