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Ethan felt guilty on what he did.. Ethan he well he works for someone who the others hate Lux and cal.. Ethan had to fake there friendship.. Ethan had a call he was recording  a video with the others. Ethan" I need to answer this sorry guys it will be quick!" They all nod Ethan answers Ethan" what do you want?" Lux" I want you to fake that you have feelings for someone~" Ethan" I can't do that!!!" Lux" wow this knife would be good to kill your mother won't it Ethan~" Ethan" f-fine.. I'll do it.." lux" good!!" JJ" you good mate??" Ethan" yea I'm fine let's carry on the recording." They carried on Ethan had to do what he did and he had to go to the most emotional person and unforgiving person Harry.. Ethan" hey can I talk to Harry?" Harry" uhh yeah?" Ethan" in secret!" He comes Ethan" can we go to down town in the abandoned school I need to film." Harry" uh? Sure!" They go into Ethan's car and drives to abandoned school Ethan had a bat behind his back they come out of the car Ethan" hey can you look at that wall bog?" Harry" sure!" He looked at the wall Ethan" I'm sorry.." he knocked him out.. Ethan tapped his hands and feet together and brings him to where he has to meet them lux and cal.. cal" did you do it?" He nods Ethan dragged him into the apartment he wakes up Harry" what the-!" Cal" hey bog!" Harry" don't call me bog! Only my true friends call me bog!!" Lux laughed Lux" true friends?! You think Ethan is a true friend to you!!" Harry" he wo-" Ethan came Ethan" I'm sorry bog I don't want to do this but they'll kill my only family member!" Harry sighs Harry" I don't even know you anymore I knew I shouldn't of went with you traitor!!!" Ethan" Lux And cal can I just talk to him in private..?" Both" fine well leave and see what els you can do to the others." They smirk evenly and left Harry" why did you do this to us to me!" Ethan sighs Ethan" I had no choice.. why els would I do this if I there was a choice I would pick but I didn't.."

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