Overheard ( minizerk )

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Harry and Simon were talking down because Josh was in the room the thing is Simon is inlove with Josh but Josh has a girlfriend well that's what he think Freya came out to Josh saying she was a lesbian and in love with taila. Harry" just tell him." Ethan" babe... can you speak a little bit softer.." Harry chuckles Harry" alright babe.. just tell him you'll feel a lot better on what I did to Ethan and look at us were together and happy.. just do it.." Simon sighs JJ" UGH!!! VIK!!!!" They all flinched JJ" THAT IDOT WAIT TILL I FIND HIM!" Meanwhile Vik in his room Vik came out Vik"yes?" JJ" YOUR DEAD!" Vik" baby boy what did I do?" JJ blushed" I hate you..." Vik" love you to!" He leaves went back to editing JJ" gosh I'm gonna go find him he's dead!" He runs after him.
The next day they were at the park and Simon heard a crying noise? Simon" what the-" he goes to the crying noise he spotted two a sister and a baby... Simon" there's a letter..?" He picked up the letter Simon" please adopt them..." Simon sighs Simon" I guess whoever stoped looking after you guys didn't have enough money and have to much struggles in there life that they abandoned you huh... hey... I'm not going to hurt you would you like to come with me..?" Lucy nods and takes her baby brother Simon" what's your name my name is Simon what's yours?" Lucy"um... L-Lucy.." Simon" and the baby?" Lucy" zac..." Simon smiles Simon" wanna see where I live and live with me...?"she nods they walk home Simon texted them and said he walking home now Simon" I'm guessing your hungry huh?" Lucy"y-yes.." Simon"how about you go to my bedroom first but stay there I don't want anyone know you.." they go upstairs and he changed Lucy with his clothes Lucy smiled. Simon" stay here I'll get some milk and some food for you both..." he goes downstairs and gets some milk and he got a baby bottle filed it up with warm milk after his sister got bored of the bottle and got some squash and Some toast broke it in to four pieces Simon walked up stairs and gave Lucy the toast Simon" can I have your baby brother and give him some milk?" Lucy" y-yeah..." he gives him to Simon Simon" shhh... please the guys are coming soon..." he has some changing pants left from his baby sister but now she gone and grown up. Simon" thank you zac you did a great job..." JJ" Simon! We're home!!!" Zac started crying Simon"nonono shhh.... it's okay calm down no one going to hurt you... Lucy is it okay if you can take your brother to the bathroom? And maybe stop him from crying?" Lucy nods and goes to his bathroom Simon" JJ calm down you don't need to shout.." Josh" are you okay Simon?" Simon"yeah I need to edit now." Josh"okay?" Simon"but can you guys keep it down though downstairs because I have a massive headache and I don't want any shouting.." Ethan"okay..?" Simon goes upstairs zac was not crying anymore Simon"thanks Lucy your such a great sister." Lucy giggles Simon" now what do you wanna do now?" Lucy" go to the park..." Simon" umm sure.. but you have to go into something like a backpack..." Lucy"that's fine.." he put them in Simon"guys going out!" Harry"okay??" Simon goes out side of her door and Carry's zac Lucy climbs out of the backpack Lucy runs and skipped Simon"Lucy wait a minute wait come back here please.." Lucy stops and waits he starts to catch up Lucy"sorry.. can I call you dad..?" Simon stops and chuckled Simon"of course you can.. we need to get you to school soon don't we Lucy.." she nods Simon" right we're at the park have. Fun but when I call you please come back.." Lucy"okay!" She goes off and play a hour later. Simon"Lucy come on we're going now!" Lucy heard and came back Lucy"coming dad!"Simon"did you have fun?" Lucy"yeah! I made a friend!" Simon"oh and who's that?" Lucy" Harry!" Simon" oh cool!" They go home Simon"why is the house so quiet?" Harry"surprise- who are they?" Simon sighs.. Simon"well this didn't how as planned.." Lucy"dad who are they?" Josh " you had a kid!!!" Lucy started to cry same as Zac. Simon " shhh nonono Lucy please I beg you how about this if you stop crying I'll give some ice cream!" Lucy stops Simon" how about you look after your brother because I need to do something." Lucy nods and takes zac in the kitchen. Josh" okay what's going on first your being distant towards us now children?!" Simon"I just found them behind the bush then they had like a letter says please adopt them so I did. There parents abandoned them! I'm not gonna let them starve to death am I? I'm not that horrible!" They all sighs Ethan" guys please calm down.. Simon you should've told us and we would've helped you.." Simon" they are a family they act like a daughter and son to me and you guys are nothing like that.. you leave me out.. make inappropriate comments towards me making me feel like I'm not wanted here but them. They make me happy! They think I'm there real dad they make me feel like I belong here in there life and not some doll who gets pushed or bullied! Lucy call me dad for the very first time! Then when Zac was stating to talk he said dada to me! I did all of this just to make me feel happy! And you guys don't make me feel happy that much anymore have ever heard of.. Fake laugh, fake smile, fake emotions!" They all nod Simon" good because that what I feel every time I'm with you guys..Lucy! Being your brother it's you and we're getting ice cream!" Lucy"okay!! Coming dad!" Simone " if you don't apologize to me at all I'm not being friends with you anymore either.." Simon was dancing with Lucy at the park and some weirdo was looking at him inappropriately.. Lucy" Dad.." Simon was getting uncomfortable luckily the others saw Josh went over there and outlet him to the others  Josh " eyes up here buddy!" Simon blushed even though he did horrible things to him he still loves him.. Lucy " thank you!" Josh " no problem I'm not letting some freak to touch what's mine.," Simon" I-" Lucy giggles.

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