Past meets furture! ( wrotebehz, ksimon, Zevobi. )

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The boys s were hanging out and they have to see the past so I popped in Me/ Ellie"hello!!" Them" hey?" Ellie" your meeting your high school past selfs!" That's when Harry got scared at that point... Ethan" babe you alright?" He nods then they arrived p Ethan" where are we!!!" Ellie" meet your future selfs!!" P Harry" hey me.." Harry" yes??" P Harry" does my life get better??" Harry" yes yes it does p me." P Simon was crying... Simon saw his past self.. he runs to him p Simon" please don't hurt me!!!" Simon" shhh~ it's okay trust me I'm the future you don't worry about.." JJ" what was that about Simon??" Simon" nothing don't worry!" Then they sees Vik with a gun when he was younger it was against his head.. Vik" younger me what are you doing!!!" P Vik" I er I can explain!" He puts it down Vik rolled up his sleeves.. p Josh and p Tobi was arguing.. p Ethan" woah woah! What's happing!!" P Josh" well he was kissing hi-" he covered his mouth p Tobi" no one!!" P Josh" he kissed Luna!!" He said happily because Tobi always had a crush on a girl named Luna. The future ones laughed p Josh" what??" Josh" oh past me how can you be so stupid." Ethan" you were pretty stupid when you were that age and you never change.." Josh" Hey!! That's offensive!!" Ethan rolls his eyes. Tobi" babe your not stupid now you were when your trying to finding out where you were in that time of life!" Josh" thanks babe." P Josh" w-wait! Babe??" Josh and Tobi and vik laughed Vik" yep you gets it me, you  and Josh are together a threesome!" p Vik" wait what... but I don't even know them.." Vik" you will trust me." Simon" you don't wanna know what I think about your face Harry!"Harry I hate it Harry!" Josh face palms Harry" go on! Carry on!" Josh" stop it you two god dammit!!" Simon" I think of your face and I'm like why do so many people look at that!"  Harry" you ate mud yesterday you ate mud!" Simon" we said we would never talk about that."Ellie" right we're gonna react to Ethan, Harry, JJ and Vik being Idot's."

( yellow = Harry brown = Ethan red = JJ purple = Vik)

Simon" gosh this is why there like this when we're gone?" Vik sadly nods Vik" and this is who I have to deal with.." p Harry" Me.." Harry" yes??" P harry" who's that?" He points at Ethan Harry" oh that's Ethan why??" P Harry" wait the guy who I had a crush on since the beginning of high school?!" Harry nods Ethan" Harold Lewis! You had a crush on me since high school?!" Then p JJ came p JJ" I love thi- where am I?!" Simon" oh hey past JJ!" Then past Simon started to cry agin because he flashbacks.. Simon" hey me calm down." Ethan saw past him in the other side of the room texting someone Ethan" don't go back home." P Ethan" why? Is just my family?" Ethan sighs Ethan" he's going to rape you." Simon"W-what?!" Ethan" he rapes me ever single night until he got bored of me and just left.." Harry" babe I'm so sorry Sam that happened to you.." Ethan" it's fine." Then past Ethan and past Harry were arguing with each other past Simon was in a bad mood.. P Simon" 1...2...3.." Thaws all know that Simon can over pier there younger selfs... but not now Simon" I said Be Quite!!!"

Sidemen and sway house ships mainly ksimon and bryler Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora