Everbody dies!

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Ethan and the sidemen was hanging out until Ethan saw his dad....he  got mad everyone was happy but not Ethan..Ethan dad" son!"Ethan " I'm not your god damm son get the fuck away from me!! we're children! we're kids! we should be living our fucking lives! in stead of practicing how to cheat death! because you know what?! everybody fucking dies! Everybody dies! So please let's us live!!!" The others were in shock because they didn't know Ethans past..  after a few minutes of him calming down he finally tells him why he hates his dad... Ethan" i feel like I'm still five years old you know I'll be sitting there asking when's dad coming home? You know who needs him?! He wasn't there to teach me my first baseball but I learnt didn't I? And I got pretty Sam good didn't I? Got my first date without him right I learnt how to drive I learnt how to shave I learnt how to fight without him! I was fourteen! Right three days! He didn't even sent me a god damm card! Down hard with him! I don't need him I need him now I went to collage without him! I got a great job without him! I'm gonna marry a beautiful boy! And have a whole bunch of kids I'm gonna be a better farther than he vet been! And sure as hell I don't need him for that! He now can not ever teach me how to teach my kids! You left me.. and mum and it his fault!"

Sidemen and sway house ships mainly ksimon and bryler Where stories live. Discover now