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Harry and vik are teachers and they get annoyed with there students because the students ships them together until...
Harry and vik was in Harry's class chatting before the bell goes Harry " what's the time vik?" Vik "8:50" Harry " okay you better go back to class before the bell goes and before the students you know.." vik " yeah I know." He gets up and goes to his classroom and the bell went then a girl called and ask him a question girl" mr.Lewis?" Harry"yes??" Girl"why was mr. barn in your classroom??" Harry"uhhh..." boy" they probably kissing! Ewww not that I'm against gay or anything but kissing is gross!!" Harry laughed Harry"no we weren't we were talking." His little sis came in because she's in his class sis"what about your wedding bro?" Harry"sis! I will give you a detention." Vik sent a text Vik"help me! There trying to figure out what's happing between us or what we were talking about!" Harry laughed Lucy"who are you texting??" Harry"vik!" Said happily Boy" I just don't get how they don't see it!"

Then a few minutes later all goes down hill for Harry.. he was taking care of people who get into trouble All the time which is Ella, Max and Harry his siblings came in Lucas" don't lose it.." he walks in so does his other siblings Harry" why would I lose it what is happing?!" He then saw his parents.. Lucy" me and Theo wants to start making a family on are own." Harry" why would you finish this one first!" Tilly" there taking Leo!" Lucas"no no one is taking anyone anywhere!" Harry" you don't get to abandon your kids and come pick up litter!!" He was struggling to move because he had the youngest sibling hugging and crying . Theo" oh now that not true your mother made mistakes but that's got to be count for something." Harry" SHUT UP THEO! This isn't about you this is about you it's about what you didn't do! It's about what I did and you know what I did a fucking great job!!" Theo" no swearing!!" Harry" I did a fucking great job! Tilly class president she on the football team going to the finals! Lucas he top of his class he set the curv! He was promoted as a ROTC and he got a a plus out if English! And clay made something blow up in his science fair! And you know what they did it all no thanks to you because YOU WEREN'T HERE!" Lucy" And I appreciate that Harry but leo belongs with me.." hart" he doesn't even know who you are!" Lucy" I'm his mother!!" Harry" you were my mother to!!" Theo" we're taking Leo and that's final." Harry" hell no! I riser him: I rises them all of them. I'm not giving any of them to people who are gonna hurt them!!" Theo" did you just yell at me?." That's when Harry got a bit scared max" don't lay a fucking finger on him!!!" Theo" stay out of it kid." Ella" lay a finger on him I DARE you." Theo" like I said stay out of it brat." Harry" what did you call my student? You can insult me all you want. Never go after my students." Theo was about to take Leo but Harry but him with Lucas that's when Ella went towards him no one messes with Ella.. Ella" call the class Harry let's go and "talk" in the hall way." They all went in the hall way harry" damn problem children." Lucas" omg your class is so adorable!!! They protect you and you protect them that's so sweet! Leo" you made it weird." That's when the other sibling starts to laugh

Next day

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