|68| Pizza Delivery!

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"'Master'?" echoed Bakugo, "I thought you were the boss around here, pretty disappointing."

"Kurogiri, Compress, put them to sleep again," Shigaraki ordered.

"I'm impressed at how unwilling they are to listen to reason," murmured Compress.

"You call your little plan 'reason'?" scoffed the girl in disbelief, "please, boys, you're looking dumb as hell right now."

"The Sword Bastard's right, stuff your 'reasoning' shit and go to hell!" Bakugo sneered, a forced smirk entering his face. I wanna blast them away with my full power, but that Warp guy's bound to be trouble... think, bastard, think! There's gotta be a way to hit 'em quick and get out through the door behind u-

"Pizza delivery!" a familiar voice called from the door, though Rie couldn't place where she had heard it from. Barely a second passed when a familiar blond Hero punched his way through the wall, blasting bricks in every direction. The Villains who were leaning on the destroyed wall fell forward, whirling around in shock.

"Kurogiri, warp us-" began Shigaraki, eyes widening as wooden branches coiled around the Villains.

"Preemptive Binding: Lacquered Chain Prison," a Hero entered the fray.

"He's... Kamui Woods... one of the new Heroes," murmured Illumi, "such a pain..."

"Wood, huh?" muttered Dabi, activating his Quirk as blue flames flickered around his body, "like this could-" a kick to the back of the head cut him off.

"You might want to take it easy, for your own sake, and ours," a familiar old man stated calmly, skidding onto the floor.

"That's our young upstart, Kamui Woods, and the speediest old-timer out there, Gran Torino!" praised the Symbol of Justice and Peace, "there's no escape for you, League of Villains. Why, you ask?"

Rie gazed around.

Unsurprisingly, the Villains looked less than pleased.

"Because we are here!"

"A-All Might?!" spluttered Mr. Compress, struggling in his binds, "right after the press conference... they timed and planned all of this!"

"One must never neglect defence, especially when attacking," a calm voice spoke from the door, revealing himself to be the Ninja Hero, "Kamino Pizza... is more than just those of us here." He opened the door, revealing yet another familiar face.

"Heh~ never thought I'd be beating the crap outta Villains!" grinned Karma, hopping onto Toga and straddling her, absorbing her energy. Rie watched with a deadpan expression, her eye twitching.

I don't know him, I don't know him, I don't know him, I don't-

"Endeavor's outside, with some other skilled Heroes and the police department. In other words, you're surrounded," he continued, sparing the disbelieving girl an eye glance, "are you alright, Rie?"

"Yeah... fine," she muttered awkwardly, internally debating whether or not to tell Karma to stop - she settled for letting him continue.

"Must've been scary, you two," nodded All Might, "good job holding out, kids! I'm sorry, but you're okay now!"

The pair stared at him.

"Sca... scary?!" they echoed, "as if!"

"The Sword Bastard was more scared than I was, anyway!"

"Hah? Who, me?!"

"Who else is called Sword Bastard, huh?!"

"After all our scheming and plotting... the final boss himself goes and shows up on our doorstep," muttered Shigaraki, shooting a glare at the Hero, "no use, then... we're not the only ones you gotta worry about. Kurogiri, bring 'em all over to play!"

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