i love you

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Yeah yeah, I won't bore you let's get on with it.


5018 words.


"Draco it's not going to work." I got off the bed when he walked out of the bathroom.

He furrowed his brows, "Yes it will." He shook his head laughing. He pulled off his towel and slipped on his clothes.

"No it won't, I saw it." I said again hoping it would finally click in his head. He pulled his shirt over his head, "Oh." He said in realization.

"Well, what's gonna happen then?" He said.

I walked back over to the bed and he crawled in. I told him about my vision and how Slughorn ended up giving it Ron. Ron got poisoned but Harry was able to save him before it was too late.

Draco seemed more stressed out then ever, him and Leon were sure this time it would work. He knew he was running out of time.

"Elle, what am I supposed to do now?" He said in an upset tone. "I don't know love." I said back. His eyes got watery and I pulled him into my chest and cupped his face.

"We'll figure something out." I tried to comfort him. "He's gonna kill me." He cried out. I hugged him tighter as he began to breakdown even more. He was scared, confused, and upset.

"Draco." I pulled him up and looked into his eyes, "You're gonna make it, remember my vision." I whispered softly and cried along with him.

My vision can't change? Right?

I wiped away his tears and kissed his forehead. "You're okay." I whispered softly.

I laid back down in bed and told him to go lie with me. He came and laid on top of me and wrapped his arms around me. He rested his head on my chest as I played with his hair, comforting him.

"I just want this over with, I don't care anymore." He muttered. "I know." I said back. I tried to force a vision to see when this would all be over but nothing. I couldn't force one?

Draco eventually fell asleep and I slowly tried to move over to grab a blanket to cover us both. He fell asleep on me so I didn't want to wake him.

"It's all gonna work out in the end." I whispered softly and closed my eyes. I tried to imagine life after, how happy things would be. But my mind just kept going back to how everything is slowly going to start falling apart.

The next day word got around that Ron was in the hospital wing. My vision was right, he got poisoned. Chatter went around on how he did but of course only Leon, Draco and I knew.

"Poor Ron." I heard a Gryffindor girl say in the corridor as I passed her. Draco was quiet, he didn't talk much when he woke up or afterwards. He was right back to where he was a few months ago.

"Do you want eggs?" I asked Draco as I started serving him a plate of food. He shook his head to every other food I mentioned.

Everyone noticed Draco and how upset he was, they didn't bother asking though, they knew it would just make him more upset.

I let out a breath and set down the spoon and turned to face him. He was just staring down with his face resting on his hand.

"Draco." I said softly. He turned to look at me. "Remember when I didn't feel like eating? You always made sure I at least had something for the day." I smiled. He still had no expression on his face.

I think in his head he accepted the fact Voldemort was going to kill him. Even though I saw our future together, our kid.

In transfiguration class he was still quiet, not even taking notes considering how far behind he is. So I took some down for him, it was a bit of a struggle at first till I remembered I have damn magic. I just had a quill copy down exactly what I was writing.

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