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message at the end of the chapter.


A few days went by and I still haven't heard from Draco or Pansy.

Crabbe's death was put into the papers. Everyone was terrified all around, an innocent kid was killed by a death eater. Who wouldn't be worried for their safety and their kids?

It also went into the papers that Hogwarts sent everyone home early, the year ended a day after Dumbledore's death, O.W.L.S were cancelled, everyone went home.

I was in the kitchen with Leon. I tried teaching him how to cook, just basic pancakes. He was struggling a lot.

He was opening up to me like before. Before he got the mark, he was being himself.

"Flip it over before it burns." I nudged him with my elbow.

"Alright alright." He chuckled.

Someone knocked on the door and I nodded for Leon to go get it. I continued making breakfast while he left.

I heard footsteps come back, "You have a guest." Leon spoke and walked back towards me.

Please be Draco.

I set down the spatula and turned around to see who it was. Not exactly who I was expecting at all.

"Daphne?" I questioned and walked over to her.

She didn't give me a smile, or hug, not even a greeting. "Can we go talk somewhere?" She asked in a stern voice.

I looked back at Leon and then back at her, "Uhm yeah." I nodded awkwardly. I guided her out the door, "Don't burn anything Leon." I shouted before exiting the kitchen.

We walked up to my room and I closed the door and walked over to my bed.

"What's up?" I folded my hands together and placed them on my lap.

"Well I'm sure you've heard about Dumbledore and Crabbe." Daphne said quietly. I tensed up a little, feeling uncomfortable.

"I saw in the papers." I said back trying not to seem suspicious or affected by her words.

She closed her eyes and breathed out, "I saw you Stella." She said.

I sat up straight, unsure of how to respond to her remark. "What do you mean?" I tried to play it off.

Her eyes diverted away from my eyes and down to my left arm. I slowly trailed my eyes down to it as well.

"I mean I saw the mark." She muttered.

"Daphne I-" She cut me off. "Why didn't you stop the rest of them?" She questioned with a broken voice.

"I didn't know what was going to go down that night. I didn't know Crabbe was going to-" I pleaded out but she cut me off again, leaving me unable to give an explanation as to why.

"You could've prevented it." Daphne said with a straight face.

I didn't know what to say, I already blamed myself. I didn't need to try and reason with the facts.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I don't think it's going to be a good idea if you go to his funeral tomorrow." She turned around and placed her hand on the knob.

I stood up quickly, "I'm going to go and pay my respects Daphne." I argued back.

She turned back around and walked over to me, "You know who found him? Blaise." She raised her voice at me.

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