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Shopping with Cissy hehe.


The next few days went by, nothing really happened throughout that time but Anna kept trying to talk to Leon and I. It all went down the day we were supposed to go out shopping.

"I don't want to be on bad terms with you two." Anna said softly and took a seat on the couch.

She called us down right before we were going to head to Malfoy Manor for the shopping day.

"I don't really care." I crossed my arms. Leon nudged me and I raised my eyebrows.

I huffed. "Look it's nothing really against you, but my father had no right doing what he's doing with you while my mother is in a dark and lonely cell, but I don't understand how you're okay with it." I finally said what's been on my mind.

"Stella-" Anna went on to say but got interrupted by the shit show himself.

"Would you quit nagging her on." My father scoffed and walked over to us. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm not the one who's a literal piece of shit." I said coldly towards him and I saw him clench his jaw at my remark.

"Well neither am I." He snapped back and grabbed Anna by her hand. She flinched.

I widened my eyes at her reaction. Leon tried grabbing onto my arm but was too late. "You ass." I shouted and shoved him.

He shoved me back, "Couldn't handle not hitting me anymore so you hit her?!" I yelled at him and pushed him again, leading him to fall on the floor.

I pulled out my wand and pointed it at him. "Please stop." Anna pleaded out in tears. Leon pulled me back.

Anna ran over to him and cupped his face, "How can you just help him when he puts his hands on you?" I furrowed my brows and threw my hands up in frustration.

"I love him." She said softly and helped him up.

Love. How could she love a man like that. "You deserve nothing." I looked him into the eyes with rage.

I grabbed Leon's hand and pulled him out.

"He's not worth it anymore Stella." Leon pulled out it his wand getting ready to apparate us to Draco's.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. He's right, I need to stop wasting my energy on him. Karma will do her job.


"Why are you all tensed up?" Blaise joked with me.

We were waiting for Narcissa to come down, she was still getting ready but I had no problem waiting.

"Just my father." I responded quickly out of awkwardness. I couldn't exactly say why, the only other person besides Draco and Leon that knew was Pansy. Don't get me wrong I love Blaise, he's my best friend but it wasn't something I liked to talk about.

Goyle was sitting on the couch alone staring into nothingness. My heart ached, I walked over to him and took a seat.

"Hey" I said and gave him a small smile. He snapped out of it and glanced over at me.

"Hi." Goyle said shyly and smiled.

I grabbed his hand and interlocked our fingers. "You know, it's okay to not be okay." I attempted to comfort him. Goyle let out a small laugh, "I know its just, I don't want to be sad about it anymore though, he wouldn't want that."

"I know, but there's nothing ever wrong with showing your emotions." I nodded at him. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you Stella." He whispered.

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