my love

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This is not the last chapter. I'm still working on the very last one but it's been over 2 weeks since the last chapter and I really just wanted to give you guys something. Message at the end of chapter.

I hope you enjoy xx


I didn't sleep that night. I had too many questions going through my head, too many thoughts. I don't know how he did it. Fall asleep during times like this.

"You're up already?" Draco muttered in his morning voice.

I stopped journaling, "Never went to sleep." I smiled over at him. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before he walked over to grab a shirt.

I hesitated for a moment but asked, "What does a snatcher do exactly?" Draco looked back at me with confusion, "Since when are you interested about snatchers?" I tossed the blanket off of me, "I heard your father talking about it last night."

"Why were you listening to my father?" He sounded a bit offended. I shook my head at him, "Why are you being defensive?" I questioned. "It's just a simple question."

"Sometimes when someone speaks his name, it triggers the taboo curse, then the snatchers I don't know, they just show up."

I crossed my arms, "Alright second question." Draco let out a chuckle, "What is this an interrogation?" I kept a straight face the entire time. He rolled his eyes but gestured his hand for me to ask away.

"Why didn't Violet come with us? I mean she's one of us." I questioned. Draco scoffed, "She wasn't going to get outed." I was taken back by his response.

How would've he had known that?

"Did you already know about us going in the papers? Before we even left?" Draco's face dropped and he took his eyes off me.

"Of course not." He muttered.

I've been with this kid for years, I know when he's lying. There is a slight difference in his voice compared to when he is talking normally.

"Don't lie to me Draco Malfoy."

He closed his eyes and let out a huff, "My father was the one who told the papers."

I let out a hysterical chuckle, "We tell each other everything." I raised my hands to do a sarcastic quote gesture with two fingers.

Draco rolled his eyes at my response, "Don't roll your eyes at me." I scoffed.

"Oh c'mon Elle where are you going?" Draco questioned as I made my way towards the door. I looked back at him, "To talk to Leon." I did a small smile and walked out.

Leon's door was slightly already opened so I shrugged it off and went inside. He had small bag on his bed filled with what looked liked clothes.

He had his back turned towards me as he was grabbing things from his dresser, "You're leaving?" I finally spoke out.

"You scared me." Leon let out a laugh. I raised my brows at him for an answer to my question. He looked at me nervously, "I have to leave for a few days." He turned back around to grab the rest of his belongings.

"What? You can't, it's not safe for us to be out. You know that." I walked over to him. "Stella I don't really have a choice in this okay, I'll be back in 3 days."

"But for what? Why are you leaving?"

"Lucius thought it would be a good idea for me to join them, the snatchers." Leon's eyes turned soft as he stared down at me. I shook my head, "That fucking wannabe ice queen-" I started to go off but Leon shut me up.

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