i miss you

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Only a 2705 word chapter this time. It's kind of just a hint for how the future ones will play out and the mood of them. Btw I cried right in the beginning of this so good luck, I might just be too attached to this story lol.


That same night we got back to Malfoy Manor, Greyback and a few others went back to Hogwarts though. I should've done something to stop them.

It could've changed everything, he would still be here.

I sat on the edge of Draco's bed, leaned over with my elbows resting on my knees. My eyes were full of tears, my heart ached, and my head was pounding.

Draco had just told me the news.

"Stella are you alright?" Leon asked softly.

I looked up with smeared mascara, "Am I alright?" I muttered.

"Am I alright?" I raised my voice.

Draco sat down next to me and rubbed my back, "I didn't even get to say bye." I cried out. Draco placed his hand on mine in attempt to comfort me.

"We should've warned them, we- we should've told them, done something." I pleaded out but there was no point in it, it was in the past.

"Elle there was nothing-" Draco tried to help.

"There was everything we could've done." More tears fell down my face. I placed my head in my hands crying out even more.

"Crabbe is dead." I whispered out weakly.

Draco pulled me into his chest as I continued sobbing. Crabbe was too good for the world, he was an innocent kid, a joyful one. I'd never get to hear "Can you please help us study again?" "Sorry Stella." "Look I got a passing grade on the transfiguration quiz."

He didn't deserve it, and I blame myself.

"Who did it?" I looked up at both of them.

Leon hesitated, "Who did it?" I raised my voice once again.

"Greyback." Draco muttered.

More tears filled my eyes, he didn't even die peacefully. He went through extreme pain. I was furious and heartbroken.

A knock came from the door.

Narcissa peaked her head in, "He wants to talk to all of us." She said and noticed how upset I was. I noticed her frown and it came to my head. Greyback is just downstairs.

My blood was boiling.

I got up, complete anger was expressed across my face. I headed straight for the door with only Greyback on my mind. Draco grabbed onto my arm forcefully and I looked back at him.

"Elle don't." He looked directly into my eyes.

He was responsible for our friends death and I was just supposed to act like nothing? Not do something about him? Honor his death?

I glared Draco down and yanked my arm out of his grasp and fastened up my speed. I quickly walked down the hallway and went for the stairs.

"Stella, think about what you're doing." I heard Leon call from the top of the stairs trying to catch up to me.

I knew exactly what I was doing. Something ignited in me, something dark and different, but it didn't scare me.

I stormed into the dining room and flew open the doors. Voldemort was sitting at the end in a tall black chair. The others were there as well and all diverted their attention towards me. I locked eyes with Greyback and he grinned.

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