Day 270

6 3 0

Friday, January 1, 2021


I'm sorry, I know it's a positive day and I know I'm supposed to have the Count summary done.

But I also have to write out the rough outline for a fic plus the next chapter for it, work on an essay, clean my room, and a couple other stuff.

My family is keeping me up later at night, causing me to not be able to work on stuff earlier at night so I can't go to sleep earlier which means I also sleep in longer which leaves me tired and unmotivated and unable to get out of bed before 10am. This is problematic on so many levels, plus I start school again in just two more days so I have to get my (unhealthy) sleep schedule back on course, work done, and do all the things I wanted to do over the week but because of stupid family stuff am doing (shockingly) in the last two days before my life goes back to being hell.

There's a reason I both love and hate the holidays and this just shows that off beautifully.

But you know, here's a positive: I got one update done, the one due this Sunday. It's angsty-er than I would have liked but I was stressed and tired of my family's bs, so what's a demigirl supposed to do? Let the angst flow out and almost murder our protagonist of course. 

Stay safe kiddos, drink lots of water!

Love you all <3<3<3<3


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