Day 158

32 5 29

Friday, September 11, 2020


Do I have 1,500 words to write tomorrow? 


Do I hate the fact that instead of working after school on homework or writing, I bounced from comic to comic in a mad rush to read as much as I could?


Am I drowning my thoughts out with music before any new fic ideas can come to plague me?


On a happy note, I spent over 5 hours in this adorable dark purple sweater/cardigan thing with those cool sleeves that become really wide and kinda look like witch sleeves and it was awesome!!

There's something powerful about wearing those sleeves and watching your black nails type away that just really boosts my confidence.

Oh, and my high school canceled the homecoming dance. I mean, I never went to it before so I'm not choked up about it, but it's kinda shocking that they actually did that.

Honestly the only homecoming-related thing outside of school hours I ever did was go to a friend's school's (we're in separate school districts) homecoming game. It got canceled in the last quarter because of a thunderstorm that came in during the game, so we walked/ran all the way back to her house in the pouring rain. It was so bad we couldn't really see, and my glasses fogged up so she was leading me almost blindly along the roadside and through neighborhoods until we got to her house. 

Luckily, I was staying over that night so when we toweled off I just slipped into pjs, and we washed our soaked stuff over night. And another friend came after the storm passed through (she had to play at her school's football game) so we got to recount the craziness to her over pizza and tv.

Gods I miss them. I was going to think about asking a friend to the dance this year if it worked with our schedules.... just because neither of us have gone before and it may get our moms off our backs about going to school events like that, plus we'd get to spend time together!

Guess that's not happening....

Hmm, maybe I'll ask her next year. 

Stay safe kiddos and remember to always wear different size shoes when committing a murder!

Love you <3<3<3


Late Night Thoughts IINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ