Day 162

31 5 10

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


For anyone wondering about my redo cosplays, I did it and have pictures, they're just on my locked phone because I didn't remember to send them to one of my email addresses so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get them and post them.

 On other news! I did a bunch of notes today so my hand is sore.

But I had a good hour of dressing up and feeling pretty so that's nice!

A friend and I were talking about how Despicable Me was actually good but moms on Facebook ruined it with the memes, when I said "it focused on platonic bonds!! No romo at all!!"

And in that moment I felt the spirits of all my fellow aces pass through me that basically went along the lines of "NO ROMO HERE BECAUSE I'M HERE FOR THE PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS BECAUSE FUCK ROMANCE BRINGING LOVE INTO A CHARACTER'S PREVIOUSLY LOVELESS LIFE".

A truly #blessed moment for me.

Another really ace moment for me was yesterday when I stared at my crown. Like, I know people are pretty but like, guys. Why date people when that crown rests on your head so perfectly and you feel a surge of power throughout your whole being?? (Not bashing allo people, I'm just saying what my ace perspective is) (allo means non a-spectrum people, sorry if I confused you)

I've had the same feeling when holding a sword, bow, or gun, though the gun was more of a healthy appreciation that really just wanted my bow back because bows are easier to not feel scared to hold. 

Oh yeah I shoot a recurve bow. Not for hunting, just in a 'I can do it and I like to for fun' way. 

Okay this turned into me being a weak for weapons ace and I don't know why I expected anything more than that. 

Stay safe kiddos and remember that I support you no matter what!!

Love you <3<3<3


Late Night Thoughts IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora