Day 205

33 4 27

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Quick note: my dad's feeling under the weather, so if he ends up staying home tomorrow, my self care day will be tossed out the window. 



✨ ✨ P o s i t i v e   c h a p t e r ✨ ✨

I solemnly swear that I do not lie when I say that

You are beautiful

Because beauty is in your grin when you're bursting with joy

Because beauty is incredibly long comment threads of memes or singing or debating life

Because beauty is the loveliness I get to see shine through your comments and works and messages

You are wonderful 

Because wonder is the stars shining in your eyes

Because wonder is bursting with joy as the ship gets together after thirty chapters of slow burn

Because wonder is me wondering how I could have lived without you in my life before now

You are kind

Because kindness is reminding others to drink water 

Because kindness is sending virtual hugs 

Because kindness is supporting your friends without a thought

You are good

Because goodness is the love you give to people

Because goodness is your loyalty to your people

Because goodness is caring

You are strong

Because strength is sticking to your morals, not the government's or society's

Because strength is being true to yourself, even if it can only be in your thoughts

Because strength is staying alive through is messed up world

I don't care if it's hard, if some days you feel like it's all worthless.

The point is that you do it.

Through the hardships, through the biting of your tongue, through the breakdowns.

The point is that you do it and it makes a difference.

One more day.

Then the next.

Then the next.

It keeps building and building, until you've come so far and maybe it still feels like you'll never survive another day but you keep on living anyway.

And I love you, each and every single one of you, for doing that.

For making it through what I could never understand, because it's your life and that's not my life, and being here.

Stay safe kiddos, do at least one thing you love to do tonight.

Love you <3<3<3<3


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