Day 174

38 5 45

Sunday, September 27, 2020


Okay couple things: 

1. I think I'm going to post my original oneshots even though only like, one person said they'd like to see them. I have around 6 or 7 oneshots, with a couple more that could be published if I write more of it.

2. I have had cramps for most of the day and I'm seriously ready to have someone knock me out just so I don't feel the pain for a bit.

3. I had to restart the laptop three times to get it to work so I'm mad I didn't get to work as much as I could have if the laptop had just worked properly.


All in favor of someone figuring out how to numb the pain of cramps for like, the whole week raise your hands

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, be glad. 

Having my organ literally squeezing itself to get all the blood lining out of it is, shockingly, very painful (on some days and really it varies from time to time and person to person) and greatly inconvenient in general. I mean, what if we just, hear me out, didn't have to slowly bleed for roughly seven days just because our reproductive organs are extra like that.



And yes, I'll be cross publishing it on my ao3 account, which I'll link in the author note at the beginning of the first chapter.

I honestly can't believe it'll be all over soon. I feel like it was just last week that I came up with the concept for it and started planning it all out. Course that was actually a week or two before I made the document and started writing, which was in July. Been a long time in the making, but it's roughly 20,000 words in 6 chapters so I say it evens out. Also I finished making the cover for it yesterday at like, 11:15pm (.... I have nothing to say for myself) and like, none of the art belongs to me but I do love how I arranged it and I hope no one hates it on sight :) or at least doesn't comment that they hate it because I can't take that kind of criticism :)

And there is so much world building I did for it too, I never touch too much on the politics of the world but damn it's good. Only three kingdoms are mentioned but there are five major ones, the narrator got to watch his whole family die one by one in a flashback, the twins' grandmother and her wife ended a war between the five kingdoms in an epic showdown that included swords and strong females in armor being intimidating, the main exports of one kingdom is mining materials (metals, jewels, stone, etc) and the finished product of those materials (necklaces and stuff) while another is mostly textiles and food (fabric, crops, etc) and the main kingdom mostly trades in art, pottery (porcelain, vases, bowls, etc), and boats/weapons. Oh and the super angsty story of how two of the main characters were forced into a marriage neither were ready for and didn't get to propose properly to each other with their customs or plan their wedding, though it was touched on briefly in three chapters. Or how all three main characters are incredible dancers and warriors but like, the one didn't know until he was taught by the other two but we never get to see those scenes because I don't understand how to describe dancing in detail and can't write fighting scenes that well and this is supposed to be my masterpiece so no. Not to mention, the funeral, coronation, proposing, and marriage traditions I create but never talked about! Like, in kingdom 1 the funerals are based on Viking funerals, the coronation is very much a monarchy-type but the people have the ability to put worth reasons the to-be-ruler shouldn't rule, proposing is done with a ring for each partner, and elite marriages are officiated by the mythical being only the ruler or to-be-ruler can call upon whereas common weddings are officiated by the town/city leader; all vows are sworn by the life of the person and by the environment. But in kingdom 2, the funerals are more Greek battle-type, they are burned in a blazing pyre then their ashes are collected to be given to every person the deceased wanted their ashes to be given to, coronations are done in the city square so the people can decide who among the royal family they want to be ruler or they can elect a leader from one of the towns/cities or an adviser if the people wish, proposing is done with circlets made of two exact plants in a certain pattern and there must be one for each partner, and marriage is fairly similar, but, no matter the gender of the partners, each partner must have some kind of sheer white fabric trailing down to act like a veil, though it doesn't have to be a veil, it could be a cloak or something similar; all vows are sworn by the person's life and the lives of their chosen family. 



I have a lot of background to my story.

Even if most of it is only briefly mentioned or hinted at or not even mentioned at all.


Stay safe kiddos, go cuddle in a blanket, you deserve it for dealing with my rambling.

Love you all <3<3<3<3


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