Day 201

31 4 20

Saturday, October 24, 2020


Okay but I really just want to gush about the latest chapter I wrote for something (not on Wattpad, it's on ao3) that I'm super proud of!!

So basically, two teenagers (main side characters) are being held by this villain figure against the heroes. The villain wants this AI that has the ability to destroy the world with one order, which one of the heroes created on his own. None of the other heroes knew about it until the villain told them that he has the two teens and will exchange them for the AI. 

If the villain doesn't get the AI, he will kill the teens and broadcast it live all over the world.

So you know, no pressure.

Then, the heroes decide to give the villain a fake AI so they can get the teens back and not sentence the world to destruction by the villain. But, the villain hacked the AI that runs the building the heroes live in (different AI than the destruction one) so he knows about the plan.

In retaliation, he kidnaps a third teen, one of the heroes who is basically the heroes' collective son/nephew. He also beat up the teen hero's boyfriend and told him to tell the heroes to hand over the real AI or else he'll kill all three teens.

So the new chapter, that hasn't been published yet, is the boyfriend telling the heroes what's going on and the teen hero's aunt (he lives with her because his parents are dead). The aunt is super mad because the heroes are debating about whether or not they should turn over the real AI to save the three teens, or to not go through with the deal to save the world. She's also mad that they haven't told the parents of the other two teens that their kids have been kidnapped and lives are now on the line for an AI of world destruction.

I just *screams* it's so fun to write!! Because the point of view changes almost every chapter but usually is being told from the perspective of the teen hero. But, from the chapter where he was kidnapped to now, we've heard nothing from him. Radio silence.

No one knows anything about the villain either, there's been hints that he may be working with another group of villains, but the whole thing is that no one knows anything. No one knows what's going on. The heroes aren't in charge, the villain is. And the readers don't know what's going on either. 

I'm trying to do a kind of slow burn quality to this arc and from the amount of screaming and sobbing I've gotten from my readers, it's paying off. 

Plus, I love adding in bits of dialogue that sound super generic, but when you piece together the villain's backstory (which I of course know) to the dialogue, it takes on a new meaning.

Example: "I don't like it when people I work with try to double cross me."

Pretty generic right? 

Well, backstory/motive: He used to work for the hero who created the AI. He created this high grade illusion tech and wanted to use it as a weapon in war. His boss changed the name of it and decided to use it to help PTSD victims. The villain was furious, and when his boss fired him for being "deranged" (which he is, to be fair), he decided to ruin his ex-boss' life.

Now, the whole "I hate it when people I work with double cross me" takes on a new meaning, right?

It's also perfect for foreshadowing :)

Idk I've just really proud of it, especially because as the author I know exactly what's going on.

The heroes will end up handing over a watered-down version of the AI while one of the heroes frees the three teens and teleports them to safety.

However, the villain is going to keep the teen hero and torture him a bunch, to test his powers and try to replicate it for the shadowy group he's working with. 

Basically, angsty angst angst angst and I'm loving it.

Stay safe kiddos and remember to take care of yourself!

Love you <3<3<3


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