Day 170

32 6 19

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Quick Note: I will be posting my first original work, the one I gave a sample of, in a separate book! The book will be where I post all my original works that aren't academically acceptable enough for me to hand out for writing competitions. They are completely my own, my own characters, my own worlds, my own plots (though influenced by a prompt) so I own all rights. I will announce it on my message board when I do, so watch for that if you're interested!!


You know what day it is!!!!

Get comfy people!!

Blankets and pillows galore!!


You're beautiful. 

You may not believe me, but know that it's true to me.

Beauty isn't having a clear face, perfect hair, or on point makeup. That can make you feel good and I completely support you doing what makes you happy, but physical beauty is only just scratching the iceberg of wealth of beauty you hold inside of you.

Your passion, the way you get up and fight on every day, the sound of your laughter, the unbridled joy in your smile, the jokes you crack in the comments, the wit and suspense you use as an extension of yourself in your words, the talent in which you create people, be it on paper or a screen, the love you push into your heartfelt words that you hope convey even an once of the overwhelming, all encompassing emotion you feel to friends, all the tiny little actions that make you, you. All of this and so much more is the beauty I find in you.

You are kind.

Some of you have protested against me calling you this and I have to say, why?

Kindness is being there for friends, it's staying up till 1am to comfort someone you'll never meet in person, it's reading works people have thrown their soul into and gushing about how good it is, it's leaving comments and voting on works, it's promoting a friend so they can get more followers and reach a goal, it's knowing someone by their user name or picture on sight, it's trying to memorize everyone's pronouns so you can make them feel more like them, it's threatening to murder people who bully your friend even though you don't even live in the same country, it's all this and so much more that I've seen each and every single one of you do.

You are supportive.

In a thousand different ways, you are.

Accepting someone's new pronouns without a thought, listing ten or more names for users trying to decide on a new name, reassuring someone that they are valid, they are real, they aren't broken, making a dozen pride puns to brighten people's day, giving out possible sexualities based on someone's description of themselves asking for help with labels, coming up with different ways to express ones self, reminding so many people that you love them with all your heart, being there for someone who has a rough life, promising that someone can pm you whenever they need to talk or vent or be distracted, sending dozens of hearts and hugs to flood someone with your love, all of this and more is supporting everyone. 

And I love how I know all of you are all these things because I've seen it, I've seen your beauty, I've seen your kindness, I've seen how supportive you are. Don't ever try to deny it because I love you all, each and every one of you, for everything I've seen, everything I know you do, and everything I know you are, for just being yourself. 

All of you are so important to me, and I'm over the moon to know that I've been able to create this bonds, to have these friendships with all of you, to have adopted some of you and to have been adopted by others. So never, ever stop being yourself because that is so incredibly wonderful that I will never have enough words or time or the ability to describe how much you mean to me.

Stay safe kiddos and remember to drink water

Love you all, from the bottom of my heart <3<3<3<3


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