Day 192

17 5 9

Thursday, October 15, 2020


I've been thinking, and I want your opinions on this, so please weigh in on this.

You all know that I use Ink as a fake name, as opposed to putting my real name online.

And I like the name, it's cute, and a couple friends on here have made their own names for me derived from that (which I love, so don't be afraid to try one out, I love nicknames).

But I was talking with a friend (my aro ace friend who is using he/him pronouns) the other day and he was talking about thinking about new names for himself. Then he asked me if I wanted him to call me by another name.

And frankly, I hadn't given this much thought. My given name has always been my name, and while some days it didn't feel quite right or sit the best with me, it was my name. But...

When he asked me, it kinda just... started the gears turning. What do I like being called? Who do I want to be called?

Which led me to ask him to call me Ink.

A friend I know in real life is now calling me Ink.

And while he hasn't called me by it directly, since we call each other dude, bro, and mate almost always, even before either of us questioned our genders/pronouns, it still feels... nice. It feels nice to know he thinks (or is calling me in his head) of me as Ink.

I'm not sure it's exactly what I want my name to be, but for now I'm going to try it out. Not in school, just a few close friends, and of course you all. 

This is kinda scary for me, I mean it's my name, of course it'd be scary, but there's that worry of asking people to call me something different..... I don't know, I'm sure it'll be fine. 

Just... nerve wracking. I plan to do it tomorrow morning, so if it goes badly I can go cry in a bathroom stall or push aside the feelings until lunch. I'll keep y'all posted on my board so check there for notifications. Fingers crossed it'll go well!!

And if not....

Well, let's not think about that, right?

Stay safe kiddos, remember that you're the shining light to someone's day (definitely mine included)!

Love you <3<3<3<3


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