Day 172

34 3 41

Friday, September 25, 2020


THREE MORE CHAPTERS TO EDIT THEN I'LL BE READY TO BEGIN TO PUBLISH!!!! I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!! Six chapters but it's over 20,000 words!! First chapter will be published on October 1st!! And yes I'm making a big deal out of this even if I know almost none of you will read it because of the ship because I'm super proud of it and how much world building I did and how descriptive it is and how much effort I put into it!! 

Anyways on other news I'm super ready to knock out 2,000 words tomorrow like always, my body may be in pain and my acne trying to prompt self hatred but that's only fuel for the angst planned :)

In all seriousness though, I'll be okay, cramps are just hitting harder than usual. 

I'm thinking about doing a "dress up super fancy day" next week, where I just wear some fancy clothes because I can and I feel like doing it.

My dress pants, nice shirt, heels, crown, you know, the works. I may be sitting at a desk for most of the day, but that doesn't mean I can't wear things I'm normally too scared my mom will think mean I'm accepting formal wear to actually wear. Gotta dress up and feel pretty sometimes!

Stay safe kiddos and make sure to do something you love soon.

Love you all <3<3<3


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