~*Chapter 20*~

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I'd just finished my last set of the day and I was exhausted cause I pulled a double, and covered a midnight shift with PJ and Shonda last night till they get another intern. I was happy to help them cause they gave me my first chance in Atlanta. Plus, they hella cool and we just be chillin at night cause we all stay on top of our shit. Hey Remi you got a guest! A guest I said looking up at the window to see Li! You wouldn't even believe how big my smile got when I saw her. We've been missing each other for the last week or so since she came back from California she's been in and out of the studio with her group working and me as I said I've been working and refocusing on my priorities, Danielle, Dad, Jade, Shai and the babies. I closed out my show before taking off my earphones and going out to meet Li.

Hey stranger! Hey to you too! You off yet? Yup I am! Great I am kidnapping you she whispered to me. Kidnapping me! Mhm she said smiling at me. I need to pack and get...no no I got all of your stuff and Jade took your car, so you can come with me. I looked around before looking back at her, you really are kidnapping me! Yeah, I am, so if you're ready let's roll. Let me grab my bag, I said smiling at her. You do that then she said winking at me. This woman I swear she never senses to amaze me; it didn't matter if we'd missed each other she'd always make time for us to be together. I grabbed my bag and did the hand off to the next DJ before meeting Li at the elevator. As much as I wanted to jump on her in the elevator, I knew I couldn't cause they got mad cameras in this building. But baybay soon as we made it to her car, mhmp it was on.

Baby you trying to do it at your job? Wouldn't be the first time we've done it at my job. That's when you were working in the middle of the night, its daytime somebody could see us girl. Yeah, you right I said getting off her lap and moving over to the passenger seat. Where we going? Amelia Island! And where the hell is that at? Florida! You taking me to Florida? Lisa I gotta work tomorrow. Nope you don't, I took care of that as well. And please tell me how you did that? I know the station manager. You know my station manager? I do and I told her that you had a big event to cover and needed Friday off to attend. Really, a big event and what event am I attending again? Hopefully an orgasmic one, but we'll see how the weekend goes she said smiling at me. Ok Lisa I see you doing the spontaneous thing. Yup I gotta keep your interest. You the only one that has my interest right now. Right now! Period! Mhm she said nodding.

I talked to Danielle she said as we drove. Did you what did she say? She told me an interesting story about how her sister came to her school. I did and I'll do it again too. Remi! Lisa if Rei told you what Dani told me; you can't tell me you wouldn't show up to her school to regulate the situation. Did you have to do it in front of everyone? Yes, I made an example of his ass because Dani wasn't the first girl, he's done that too either. How do you know that? Because after I called his ass out 3 girls came up to me and Dani and thanked me because he did the same thing to them. What exactly did he do? He tried to date rape her. Excuse me! He put something in her drink and when she wouldn't drink it because she's smarter than the average girl, he got mad and started saying stuff to her and about her to other people on campus. The nigga had my sister all the way fucked up, I politely let him know in front of everyone that No means No and that if he tried that shit again, I'd cut his dick off. All the girls applauded and the guys stepped away from him like he had the plaque. Remi! Lisa! That's my baby sister, no way am I gonna sit there and let some little dick nigga think he was going to ruin her reputation. Well after that display the college just happened to find out about it and now there is an investigation open on him. Did you do it? Nope I told you Dani wasn't the first girl he did that too. I hate niggas like that it's like they don't understand when No means No. They definitely don't I said settling in for the car ride.

It took us a while to get to Amelia's Island but once we did it was already dark, but that was ok, because we're night owls any way so we would be up for a while anyway. We got to the beach house and settled in. Tell me about your trip I said as we sat on the patio drinking the wine, she'd conveniently brought with her. She thinks she slick I peeped the suit case that she refused to open in front of me but I am watching her to see what she got up her sleeve. Tell me Ms. Lisa how was California? California was interesting she said nodding. How so? She looked at me and shook her head you wouldn't believe me if I told you. Why what happened? I found Justice. Tionne's Justice! Yeah! How and where? She's been in California the whole time going to school. Going to school, why didn't she just tell her that. Their relationship is...wheew I don't even know how to explain it. They love each other right. Oh no doubt they love each other, its just that their love is toxic to say the least. You mean like domestic abuse toxic. I am talking "if I can't have you no one else can either!" toxic. Oh, shit really. You know that I told you about the Miami trip. I thought that was the first time. That was the like 2nd or 3rd time they went at it, that time they just so happen to both end up in the hospital. Shit that's crazy, are you going to tell her that you know where she is. I am conflicted because Justice made me promise not to tell her, but Ti is my sister and I watched the pain and anguish she went through looking for that girl. What do you think she'd do if she found out she was in Cali? I honestly don't know, part of me thinks she'd fly out there and kick her ass but the other part of me thinks that she'd just let her be and write her off for good. I don't know what to do Remi, I don't like being in this position because if it was me and you were missing, I'd go crazy trying to find you.

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