~*Chapter 11*~

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~ Remi~

Well I'm leaving! I know she said fighting back the tears. Come on mom don't cry. I am not, I just ...I just feel like I got you back and now I am losing you again. Mom you know this was the plan all along, for me to go be with daddy and Danielle. I am just being selfish; he's had you your whole life and now I just feel like I need you too! I didn't think she'd get this attached to me this quickly nor did I think I'd get attached to her either. Part of me wanted to stay, I even considered asking Keisha if I could stay longer, but then I'd talk to Lisa and she'd tell how great Atlanta is, and how once I got there, we'd be together and she'd help me get back on my feet. My chapter in Philly is done its time for me to see what life is like outside of it. Anytime you need me mom, just call me and I'll come. You mean that! Yeah, I do I said looking into her eyes. Her eyes which reminded me so much of my own. I love you Oluremi! I love you too mom!

Remi you gotta leave, Wynter said pouting. Yeah, I gotta go, but don't worry I'll be back to see you and you can come see me when I get settled in. You promise! Pinky promise I said giving her my pinky and we kissed it to seal the promise. Hey big man! You gon watch out for mom and Wynter? Yup I am, he said nodding. Here I said sliding him the CD. You got it! Yeah but shhh don't let mom see you listening to it. Ok he said nodding as he hid it under his shirt. Thanks Remi he said hugging me. Ok I gotta go, I got a long drive and a couple of other stops to make before I hit the road. Be safe Remi and call me as soon as you to get to a rest stop. I will mom. Love you, so much Remi she said hugging me again. I love you too mom! She made sure I was settled in before watching me drive off.

I'd been saving the money from working at the record store for the last year to buy me a little hooptie, it's not much but hell its mine and it runs so I am happy about that. I wanted to stop and say goodbye to Mr. Jones before I picked up Shai, Jade, and the kids from the group home. Don't even ask how they were allowed to get their kids in the group home and stay, but they did. Jade, Jade, Jade this girl! Just when I thought her story couldn't get any worse, she tells us that 2 years ago when she was 15 her mom pimped her out for drugs and then took her baby and tried to sell her baby on the black market. That was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard of, what kind of mother does that to their child! I thought my mom was horrible for leaving us but after hearing that to me she's damn near a saint.

I pulled into the parking spot in front of the store and cut off the car. Hey, I thought you'd be out of the city limits by now Mrs. Jones said greeting me as I walked into record store. I had to say bye to my mom and stop by here to say bye of course. No way was I leaving without saying goodbye, especially not to the people who gave me a second chance. You're in luck todays a good day, he remembering stuff. Really? Yeah he is Oscar, Remi's here, she yelled to the back getting his attention. They were really going through with closing the store, the last month has been nothing but closing sales. They'd sold a lot of stuff but still had a lot to go. Hey there's my favorite worker! Hi Mr. Jones! You stop bye to get your final check. My final check, no Mr. Jones, I already got that I stopped to say bye, I am heading out today. Oh, Okay he said looking a little confused, he shook it off and smiled at me. I am sure your daddy is gonna be glad to see you. He's excited can't wait till me and the girls to get there. Girls! Me and my friends we're gonna stay with him for a little bit till we can get a place. Oh okay! Mr. Jones I just wanna say thank you so much for giving me a second chance at life. No such thing he said laughing a little. I knew the day you walked in the store that you were a good kid that was just in a bad situation. I know that you will be okay, and you'll do great things down in Atlanta. Thank you!

We got something else for you Mrs. Jones said coming from the back with a box. What's this? Well you said you want to be a DJ so we wanted to get you started. Are you serious I said looking at the records? These are the newest releases! Yup they are. I can't take this yall need to sale these. No, we set these aside especially for you and we wanted to give you this too she said handing me the white envelope. I opened it to see a check for $10,000 dollars. No, No, No I can't! Yes, you can, if it wasn't for your Remi, this store would have been closed down a year ago. Your persistence is what helped us to make the extra money to stay open this long. Take it Remi and start your life over again. I sniffed as the tears went down my face. Thank you! Thank you so much! You're welcome. I grabbed a piece of paper off the counter and wrote down all my contact information. Call me anytime, Mississippi isn't that for from Georgia! We will she said giving me a hug. Mr. Jones gave me a hug to before I headed to get Jade and Shai. Within an hour we were packed up, gassed up, and on the highway to Atlanta! 6 years later I am finally hitting this highway! Atlanta, I hope you treat me better than Philly!

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