~*Chapter 55 pt. 2*~

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Wake up sleeping beauty I said messing with her ear. Ugh stop! It's time to get up! It's too early. If you don't get up, you're going to be late to our wedding. A smile spread across her face before she opened her eyes. And there are those beautiful eyes I said looking at her. Can you tell me what time we're getting married at? Hmm.... please she said pouting! 3pm! 3pm why so late? I wanted it to be at the perfect time of the afternoon so that we can party into the night but not too late you know. Mmm I said listening to her voice. Remi come on now we got a full day of stuff. Ok ok I am up she said sitting up. What's first she said smiling at me? Shower sex I said smirking at her. Oh really! Really come on we only got about 45 minutes I said pulling her into the bathroom with me. 45 minutes turned into an hour and a half, but what can I say I we were both making sure the other was thoroughly satisfied. After our little shower session, we went our separate ways to start getting ready for our wedding to take place at exactly 3pm. I choose 3 pm because it symbolizes divinity and completeness, our wedding is the two of us completing our union together. I also chose it because it was far enough into the afternoon for us to have it and still party after it and make our flight to who knows where cause, Justice and Tionne arranged it for us so all I know is that by 10 pm we should be on a flight going somewhere for a week of post marital bliss.

Sis! Hey Rei, I said watching her walk into the room. Hey Sis, you ready to get married! Uh yeah, I am more than read than any other time before. Before you never made it this far. Because I knew it wasn't right! I knew he didn't deserve me, and I definitely didn't deserve the treatment that he gave me either. You surely didn't and I am so glad Remi came back into the picture, she's good for you! She's perfect for me, she's the only person I can see spending my life with. Awe that's so cute! Whatever one day this will be you. I doubt it but I am cool I am just living my life. Don't doubt it Sis it'll happen just don't rush it. Oh my god Girl! Trina said came running into the room. What! You'll never guess who's outside. Who! Lorenzo! What the fuck I said with a shocked expression. Girl I am playing she said laughing. Rei get her before I mess up my hair. I am playing Li! Trina why would you do that? Cause you over here looking a little too relaxed for someone that's getting married. You want me stressed and cussing you out cause I can cuss you out if you want. There we go we needed a little bit of fire in this bitch. Aye girl watch your mouth my mom said coming in the room. Sorry Mama! Mhm, she said eying her, don't make me get my belt on yall. Not the belt mama! Yes, the belt yall ain't too old to get that whooping. I am not trying to get no whoopin today that's embarrassing as hell to get a whooping on your wedding day. Ain't it though.

So, what happened last night! You won't believe the shit that happen. Sorry mama but it had to be said. Mhm continue on she said motioning for me to continue to speak. Yall won't believe who just so happens to be staying this hotel. Who, they said? Nina! That bi...I mean what is she doing here Trina said fixing her words before mama said something to her. I don't know and I don't care, all I know is if she tries to ruin our wedding day, I will throw an unholy fit and turn over everything in Atlanta. Not an unholy fit now they said laughing. I am so serious I've worked too hard to get to this point with her, to just let some crazy girl to come in and take her away from me. I don't think you have anything to worry about baby she ain't going nowhere anytime soon. Ever if that Rei said agreeing with Mama. I just don't see why of all days and weeks in the year she had to come this week. It's like she knew we were getting married or something. Well, did she? No because no one but a few people knew exactly when and where we are getting married at. Unless one of yall told her I said looking at them? Nope don't even look at me you know I don't like her! Mama! Oh, girl please I don't even know who this little skank much less would I share any of yall's information with her. Well, I guess that clears that up I said laughing at mama calling Nina a skank.

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