~*Chapter 19*~

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~ Shai~

And who does he think he is showing up to our house like that, Jade said mumbling to her self as we changed the babies before putting them in their beds. I don't know but I don't like him, he gives me bad nigga vibes. He gives me fuck nigga vibes! Jade! For real Shai I know guys like that he ain't no good and all he's gonna do is hurt her and derail her from her priorities. You don't think I know; I don't trust his ass either. You think we should tell Lisa? Naw we need to watch him closely till he makes that wrong move. Remi ain't stupid and trust she's peeped his game as well, I said as we cracked the door before going back down stairs to where Remi was sitting at.

How was the group meeting? Good, who is he and why was he here? Damn Shai! I am sorry, I am just not use to you being involved with anyone other than Lisa. Chill out yall, him and I aren't together we're just fri...hell we just associates, at this point. I wasn't expecting him to come here. And as far as Lisa she knows him. She knows the nigga she's okay with him knowing you. Oh no I didn't say she was okay with him knowing me, I said she knows him and she knows that we are cordial to one another. Let's just say he's not her favorite person right now, after what he said. You told her he said she was a hoe? A Hoe I said almost chocking. That's what he said, said she'd slept her way through Andre, Pac, Treach, Devante, and Keith Sweat. Are you kidding me! Nope he said it, like it was a joke or something. How you just sit up there say she loose and she handing it out and then laugh in my face like it wasn't going to affect me. No trust I made note of it and I don't trust him either. So, you aren't going to see him again? About that she said looking around. Remi! It's just an event he has and it actually maybe a good networking event for me to go to. I don't know about that Remi it sounds like a setup. Plus, he said yo girl was a hoe! She's not my girl. But she is your friend Remi come on now you wouldn't let us disrespect Lisa that way. I still have time to change my mind about going. But we both know you won't, Jade and I said looking at her. And what is that supposed to mean? Nothing I said shrugging my shoulders. We weren't trying to be all up in business but ever since he's popped back up in the picture Remi has been different. Before she was a homebody always wanting to spend time with us and the kids and now she's out doing lunch and brunch and apparently getting random tattoos. The Remi we knew back in Philly was slowly fading away into someone we didn't know. Before she was open and always willing to talk, once he appeared, she became more private and secretive and we aren't the only ones that noticed it either. The reason why Dani started spending more time on campus is because Remi started slacking on her duties as her big sister. Duties that she herself had told me that she didn't want anyone else doing but her, and here she is ignoring it.

I waited a couple of days before I approached Remi again, I didn't want her to think I was attacking her, but I wanted to voice my concern about this dude and the influence he was having on her. Hey Girl! Hey Remi I said taking a seat by her in the backyard. You home early from school? Yeah class let out early today. Again that's what twice this week, I guess that's good for you. It is, I said looking at her filing her nails. Something on your mind Shai you staring at me like the girls did on the block when they thought I was stupid and wouldn't hurt them she said not looking up at me. I am not going to try you Remi, I am coming to you on a different tip. And what's that she said finally looking at me. This Chris guy, ever since he's came into the picture you been kind of been slacking on your duties. My duties huh she said raising an eyebrow at me. Your big sister duties, haven't you noticed Danielle ain't been at the house that much. She's focusing on school. No, she's been avoiding you because of something that happened to her. What happened to her? I looked off not wanting to say anything. Shai if you know something speak on it. Look if she asks how you found out I didn't tell you, but she was harassed at school a few weeks back, that's why she failed the test and has been having issues with school. Harassed how she said setting the nail file down. I don't know exactly but she was saying that some guys has been coming on strong with her and she wasn't comfortable with it. Why didn't you tell me sooner Shai that's my sister? She didn't want me to say anything to you and she made me promise not to go to her school either. She looked around before looking at her watch. Come on she said getting up from her seat.

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