~*Chapter 28*~

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How is your father I heard about his accident? He's fine but I worry about him so much. You always do, ever since you were a little girl. He'd go away to training and you'd cry until he came back. I guess you can say I have attachment issues. Big time she said chuckling. You weren't supposed to agree with me. Baby girl your father and I don't agree on a lot of things but you, you were definitely something we agreed on. He's seeing someone, like seriously. You mean Pauline, I know he told me about her. She's...a really nice woman and she makes him happy. I held out hope for so long that yall would get back together I mean yall are my parents I wanted to see yall happy. We are happy Remi. Your father and I, couldn't make it work but that doesn't mean I don't love him and care about his wellbeing. I want him to find what I found in Jacques and that's true love and devotion. True love, huh I said thinking about Lisa. Yeah, you know the love you found with Lisa. She did finally respond to my two-way message after like a month and half. I mean she didn't have to respond I just figured when she heard about my father, she'd drop everything and come to my side. You couldn't expect her to just come to your side after that fight. Yeah, I could, I told you what she said mom. Hurt people say stuff that they don't mean to the people they love. She meant it mom. I highly doubt that, from what I seen of Lisa, your relationship with Nina hurt Lisa more than anything. She cheated. Not the first time. Mom! Baby shit happens, it's not like you weren't doing the same thing. I wasn't sleeping with Nina. Yeah, but you were mentally involved with her which is worse than physically giving yourself to someone. Lisa probably figured out that you weren't connected anymore and cut you loose. I cut her loose! Mhmm so you realized that you were mentally checked out. I did but now I am thinking I want back in. You sure about that, I mean it's one thing to just leave Lisa, it's another to try to leave Nina. What do you mean by that? I mean Nina sounds like a black widow. A black widow! Yeah, the type that if she can't have you no one else can, and she's not going to make it easy for you to just leave either. You have to know that baby girl. Hmm I said hearing her keys in the door. I gotta go mom, she's home. I love you baby girl! I love you too mom. Remi! Yeah! Don't trust her she said before hanging up the phone.

My mom was the 2nd person in the last two weeks that has told me that there was something off about Nina. I won't lie, I've been feeling that there was something different for a while, but I pushed it to the side because she gives bomb head and I do have feelings for her. But I still couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't everything that she said she was. A couple of times I tried to look through her stuff and try to find out about her past, but the girl is literally a vault, no family pictures, no phone numbers, no post cards, or holiday cards. Nothing from her past, hell there was nothing from her present either, this studio was filled with pictures of different places, things, and people. Yet the person that occupies it is a mystery to me and everyone around her.

Hey Babe! Hey I said smiling as she kissed my cheek. How was work? It was good, I was happy to be back after a month or so off. That's good babe she said going into the freezer and grabbing some ice cream. You don't want dinner? Ate already she said grabbing the spoon. You ate without me? You know it was a work thing and they catered, it's not a big deal. Mmm ok I said watching her cut on the tv. I made myself some food and sat down next to her. While she was watching the tv, I was watching her, she ate that entire pint of ice cream like she was starving, but she just said that ate. How is your dad? He's good still recovering, the girls are making sure he eats correctly. Girls huh she said. Yeah, the girls. You don't think it's weird, him living with 3 young women. Ugh no cause he's our father. You and Danielle but not Shai and Jade. You have something against Shai and Jade? Now why would you say that she said looking at me. I don't know every time I bring them up you act as if they are a problem or something like you don't like them. I don't know them like that to not like them. I just find it weird that you go prison and come back with two "sisters" she said making air quotes. Well, that's what happened and they're in my life forever. I guess she said getting up and throwing away her ice cream container, I am gonna go take a shower. Ok I said sitting there for a few moments before hearing the shower start.

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