~*Chapter 12*~

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Daddy you sure you don't need help? No, I don't know go get ready people are gonna be here any minute and you still look like you rolled out of bed. I know I know I just want to make sure everything is good. All the bathrooms are clean and the living room is vacuumed as well. Thank you, now go get ready he said shooing me out the kitchen. We were having a little get together to celebrate me being home and settled in Atlanta. I mean ain't I know no one here except my dad, Dani, and Lisa's family so this get together shouldn't be that big, right! Nope somehow it turned into a full-on party with about 40 people coming to the house just to celebrate me. I don't even know 40 people in Atlanta.

You need to get ready folks are gonna be here any minute Shai said getting baby Q ready. I know I am going can you do me a favor and set me some stuff out. What you wanna wear? I don't know something simple and comfortable. Wait ain't yo girl coming tonight? Huh! Go get in the shower I got you she said. Thanks! No problem. Jade should be back in a little bit too. Ok, I am not worried she's with her family right! Yeah, she is she said I as I closed the door and started the shower. I did my hygiene routine but also through in shaving my legs just in case. I mean I know me and Lisa ain't about to do it tonight but, I felt better with smooth legs. When I was done, I got out brushed my teeth, before going to me and Dani's room to get dressed. I went in the room to see what Shai had laid out for me.

I know this girl is tripping, I am not wearing this! Yeah you are! What! You are wearing it this is the first time you're seeing Lisa in over 6 years you gotta show her what you working with, Dani said. It's a house party and yall got me in this short ass dress trying to show my baby maker to her. You aren't showing that much and plus you want her to remember what she had all those years ago. What she had would not be caught dead in a mini dress! Now you know that's not true cause you use to always walk around her in those shorts and bras. Basketball shorts and a sports bra, not a thong and no bra. It ain't like she ain't seen you with neither. Watch it Dani and we still need to have our talk too. What talk? The sex talk! I know about sex you don't have to have that talk with me. And who told you about sex? So, what are you going to wear if you not going to wear the dress she said ignoring the question I just asked her.

Not that I'll find something else. Fine I'll compromise with you Remi, Dani said rolling her eyes, you can wear jeans, but you have to wear a top that shows skin. I don't care what kind of skin, just has to show skin. Ok fine, but we are going to have that talk because I want to know, what you know about sex. Deal she said going to the closet. Let me see what I got she said going into her closet to find me a top. What about this she said bringing a black and white polka dots. Polka dots, I am a grown ass woman! Uhh what about this she said showing me this off the shoulder black mid drift top. Hmm this is cute. I like it. It'll look great on you with a red lip and wear your hair down. I like this and it's simple, cute, and comfortable. It'll remind her why she fell in love with you in the first place she said handing me the top. Hmph I know why she fell in love with me I mumbled to myself.

I could hear all the folks arriving downstairs and the more the door bell rung the more I got nervous. I kept thinking one of those rings was her. It was Lisa and I wasn't quite sure how I was going to handle it. Wheew ok Remi you got this I said looking at myself in the mirror. I sprayed the perfume on my wrists and dabbed a little bit on her favorite spot on my neck before going down stairs to see all these people that I apparently knew.

Welcome Home Remi! Thank you! Thank you I said to the people hugging me. Oh my god I haven't seen you in years Ms. Wanda said coming up to me. It's been a long time. You look good girl, don't look like what you been through. I'd hope not cause I've been through a whole lot, I said chuckling a little. God knows your burden trust he took care of you and will continue to take care of you. I know he will and Thank you, Ms. Wanda for praying me that whole time. I pray for you like I pray for Lisa. Remi! Hey Rei and Ron, it's been a long ass time since we've seen you. It has been. Dang you've grown up I said play fighting with Ron. He was just going into high school when we were supposed to leave. How you been Rei! I've been good just doing me. And what does that consist of? Not following around my sister if that's what you think. Of course, not I assume you got your own lane. Yeah, I do she said laughing. She's on her way, Rei said reassuring me. I wasn't... yeah you are, trust me she's just as nervous as you are, she said chuckling before she walked off.

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