~*Chaper 10*~

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Whew I was finally home and ready to enjoy my house for the first time since I moved into it. Not say that I didn't get to enjoy it, but I literally moved in and then shit happened and next thing I know its several months later and I am just now getting to decorate the house. You know you can hire folks to do this right. Why would I spend money to do something I like doing? Ugh I don't know maybe you are rich celebrity. Girl please I am not rich, I just happened to have saved a little money. Explain that to me, how TLC, the biggest selling group is broke? How you think we were naive and didn't read them contracts all the way. So, Pebbles and LA really ran yall for all the money. Yes, and she still getting paid off our work even though she not our manager anymore. Now that shit right there don't make any sense to me, no way in hell am I gonna work for a bitch and not get paid, and then let her take my money too. Nope not fucking happen. I chuckled as she rolled more paint on the wall. I guess that motivated you to work. Hah very funny I am only helping cause I ain't got shit else to do and plus my mama got my daughter, so I am free all weekend. Good cause I got a lot to do I said looking around the 1st of 3 rooms I needed to paint.

Once I got out of the diversion center, Trina got out a few weeks later and we reconnected. Well she actually moved in with me and became like my assistant, she goes everywhere with me and the girls now. And no, it ain't like that either Trina is my friend, a good friend at that and I was just trying to help her out. She mentioned that she had a daughter when we were in the center, but she didn't go into details of what happened with her only that when she got out, she was going to fight to get her back. She can't do too much fighting if she doesn't have an address, so I let her move in, now she has an address and employment as well. And besides I don't even give off the vibe that I like women either. I don't even like women like that I mean don't get me wrong, I can acknowledge a beautiful woman, but I only have eyes for one woman that woman is Oluremi. Even though I hadn't physically seen her in over 5 years I know she's still as beautiful as she was before we parted ways.

Yo Li! Yeah in here I said hearing Ron's voice from the front of the house. What up sis? Nothing here working! You came to help Trina said? Ooo about that, see what had happened was. Boy please stop I said laughing as he tried to cover his lie. What you doing here, I thought you were busy this weekend? I am, I just dropped by to drop off the stuff from mama's house. Word you got that stuff I said putting down the paint brush. Yeah, the boxes are in the car. Great I'll come get them. Aye, you not about to leave me doing all this damn painting by myself! I am coming back girl, don't get your panties in a wad. Yeah whatever she said rolling her eyes and returning to paint the wall.

I followed Ron out to the car to get my boxes from back home in Philly. My mom had all my stuff I left back home in Philly and now that we're all down here it was time for me to get it back. Why you want all this stuff anyway? Memories! Memories huh! Yeah just wanted to have them. Anything to do with the fact that Remi out and moving to Atlanta! No, it doesn't and besides what you know about Remi moving down here? Seriously, Lisa no one is stupid! You painting your whole house and buying stuff that ain't even your size, preparing for her to come and move in with you. You just know everything huh? No, I just know what I see, what we all see, you're in love with her! Why won't you admit it? I have no problem admitting it Ron, I just don't want everyone in my business like that. Tionne obviously don't have an issue he mumbled as if I didn't hear him. You say something? Nope I didn't! I didn't think so, now help me get this stuff in the house. All I am saying is we all know and you don't have to be ashamed or hid it. I am not ashamed nor am I hiding it. It's complicated and I want us to be 100% before I shout it from the mountain tops. Wow the mountain tops Li! I want it to be known that I am committed and if I gotta do that then that's what I am gonna do. I think she'll be ok with you getting rid of Andre he whispered. He's out of the picture! For good though he said looking at me.

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