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"Long ago and oh so far away, I fell in love with you...."

We're gonna meet at the corner store at 8 Remi! Don't be late! I am not, I swear I'll be there! Okay, I love you! Of course, you do! You not going to say it back! You know I do. Well then say it. Come on now Ma Cherie! Ma Cherie who you with Remi! Look I'll be there don't worry. Alright! tu le sais! Whatever you're doing Remi...never mind, just please don't be late. I won't, I'll call you when I am on the way. Okay I'll see you later. Alright by Li, she said in the accent I loved so much. Don't worry I said hanging up the phone as I looked around the room. I only had a short amount of time to pack up and do what I was going to do before anyone came home. I was a bit apprehensive about just leaving Philly, but if I didn't, I'd never make it out of here. This was my time; I could feel it and I had to seize the opportunity.

By 6 I was packed and waiting on Remi to call me. It was still early so I wasn't really stressing about it. 7 came around and a little bit of panic started to set in, she was never late to anything I needed her for. She was always on time. 7:30 I was pacing the room because I needed to leave before everyone got home and she promised she'd call when she was on her way. Maybe she was already at the corner! Yeah! She's already there. I gathered my stuff and left the letter on the bed before cutting out the light and walking out the house. I made it to the corner store by 7:45 and she wasn't there. Where the hell is this girl at?

You ready to hit the road? Yup I am ready to be free of this place! Where yo friend, she bails out on you? No, she's coming. She'll be here in a few minutes. A few minutes! A few minutes turned into 2 hours! Yo Li we can't wait no longer its already 10 and...she stood me up! It's cool come on let's just go I said closing the door to the car. I am sorry for the delay I said to the fellas. What could have been more important than us leaving I thought to myself as I watched the city light go by as we entered the highway.


Face left! Click! Click!

Face Right! Click Click

How the hell did I get into this? I was supposed to be on the way to fucking Atlanta and instead I am here getting my fingerprinted and booked in the county jail. I should have never gone with them! You can move the officer said pushing me to the left. You don't have to be so damn rough; I am a female. Bitch no one cares what you are! Now move he said pushing me again. I mean mugged him and he smirked showing his yellow teeth. Try me bitch I've been waiting to bust someone tonight! I held my tongue because his breath was literally turning my stomach and I didn't want to inhale any more than I already had. I rolled my eyes. Thought you'd see it my way bitch he said turning me around roughly as we walked to my next phase of the booking process.

I looked at the clock, it was 12 am, they should be in Virginia by now. I've never been so degraded in my whole life, the made me strip down butt ass naked and then they searched every crack and crevasse of my body. Damn can I get dinner before you go fingering folks! I am sure you'd like that wouldn't you the female guard said pulling the glove off. Hit the showers! When they say hit the showers, they literally mean hit them, they threw me in causing me to hit my face on the wall and turned on the cold water! The shower lasted all of 5 minutes before I was told to get out and put on the clothes.

Here is your home for the night the guard say pushing me into the cell with this white girl who looked like she'd dragged by a pickup truck. I looked at her before going to sit on the lower bunk.

How did I get myself into this shit? I should have never gone with Roy and em to that damn store. I wish I would have just gone with Lisa. Please god get me out of this!


Philadelphia County Parole Board

January 5th 1994

"You've served 5 years of your 15-year sentence?"

"Yes sir I have!"

I was so nervous sitting in this parole board hearing because I never thought I'd stay in jail for 5 years. I just assumed they'd see the video tapes and I'd be out in 6 months tops. 6 months turned into a year, a year turned into 2 and before I knew it, I'd spent all this time hoping and praying that I'd get out.

"Ms. Lewis you realize that you committed a crime and that you had to pay the price for that crime?"

"Yes sir, I realize that I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. And I know that I will never mistake again."

"Do you feel that you've been rehabilitated in your stay?"

I took in a deep breath and looked up at him. And her face came to me. the only face I'd been thinking about for the last 5 years.

"Ms. Lewis!"

"I've been rehabilitated and if given the chance I will show this board and everyone else that doubted me that I won't be back ever."

Parole.... Denied!

It took them less than 30 minutes to ruin my life again for the second time. 


And we're back! So as you can see this was a short update. I building up to the official start of the book. Which is coming soon so don't worry yall won't have to wait long. 

But what do yall think about this update? As we can see Remi has gone to jail. For what, we don't know yet. And Lisa left Philly not knowing what happened or why Remi didn't show up to the spot.  And then we skip 5 years in the future to see  that Remi's been locked up, but where is Lisa?

Stay tuned to see what's to come next. Also for all those that are wondering this book is based off of the Luther Vandross song Superstar. If you wanna get the vibe of where the book is going take a listen to the song. 

As always Comment, Vote, and Recommend to your followers. Also if you aren't following me...why not, hit the follow button so you can stay up to date on all of my books and when I post new updates and books. 

Peace Out!!

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