~*Chapter 51*~

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Run it one more time I wanna make sure the sound is right I said the sound guy. It's the day before my album release party and I wanted to make sure everything was perfect; nothing could go wrong because I literally had all of these people coming to hear it and I didn't want to disappoint them. I bobbed my head listening to the music play as I moved around the venue, I wanted to make sure I could hear every single beat of the music from every corner of the space. I gave him the thumbs up before walking back towards the stage to grab the clip board and mark off the sound check. Hey Sis! Hey Ron, I said looking up to see my brother coming in. What are you doing here? Remi sent me to make sure you weren't over doing it. I am not child I don't need a babysitter. She said that you would say that, so I am here to make sure everything is good until she gets here. Remi had to fly out to Philly for some family business that her mother wanted her to take care of. She'd only been gone 2 days but, in that time, she'd called no less than 10 times and sent various folks to check in on me. First it was Rei, then Ti called, and now its Ron. I am good and she'll be back in the morning before the party. Ok I am just doing what my sis in law asks of me. I know she's stressing about balancing the stuff we have coming up. What yall got coming up? The album release, the holidays, and the press tour for the album and that's just me. She has her own schedule of events, gigs, magazine interviews and all of this before the wedding. Please don't remind me, I am in charge of that I haven't had time to think about it short of knowing it's going to be a destination wedding. Destination like where? I haven't decided yet, but I want it to be special and meaningful. You need help with that. Not right now, once I decide where I wanna have it I'll let you know. Ok, well you need help with anything else. I don...before you say you don't Remi already sent me a copy of your list, so let me see if you need to do anything else. You know what I am not going to argue with you. Good cause I promised Remi if you didn't comply, I'd tell and I don't wanna have to tell on you sis he said laughing. You're my brother you don't answer to her. Yeah, but she hits harder. How do you know that? Remember that one time we were play fighting and she hit me. Ronald that was like 3 years ago. So, the shit hurt, and I remember it too. Well, remember I hit hard too. Naw you a lover not a fighter he said smiling at me as he took the clip board from me. Ron helped Stephanie and finish the remainder of our to do list before going back to the house.

Whew I am actually finished before 8. I know what are we supposed to do for the rest of the night? Relax and enjoy the fact that it's quiet right now cause tomorrow it's going to be busy as hell I said to Trina. Damn that ring is sparkling. I know, her sneaky ass bought this ring like 2 years ago. It don't surprise me I mean she came back full force didn't she. Yeah, she did hell we probably should have gotten married after the first 6 months and avoided all the drama. Yeah, and then been divorced 6 months after that because yall didn't work your issues and were fighting all the time. Don't remind me, we are in a good place now with no foreseeable drama coming. Why you say it like that? Cause it's always that way for us, when we are good and feel secure in the fact that we're good something or someone pops up to try and mess that up for us. First it was Andre then, Todd, Nina, Chris, Aubrey. No one better show up right now I swear I can't...and before I could finish my sentence the doorbell rang. Who is that Trina said looking at the door? This better not be no bullshit I said cautiously walking toward the door to see who it was. I peeped through the blinds on the side of the door to see a man standing there with flowers. It's a flower delivery man. This late at night? I guess. Don't open the door yet, let me grab something she said going in the drawer of the table and grabbing the gun. Ok go ahead she said standing where he couldn't see her. I cautiously opened the door; can I help you. You Lisa Lopes? Who's asking? I have flowers for you he extending them towards me. Oh ok, do I need to sign for them? Nope just have to verify it's you, we tried to deliver them earlier but couldn't leave them on the porch. I peeped his name tag, Josh, thank you for coming back. No problem he said before smiling, have a good night he said walking off. Who are those from Trina said closing the door for me? I have no clue, is there a note I said skimming through the flowers looking for a note or something. I finally found the note and opened it.

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