~*Chapter 26*~

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~ Lisa~

Lorenzo I am already late to the damn video shoot. Lisa shit don't start till you get there so why you sweating it. Because nigga time is money and unless you coming up off some money to pay for this video, I suggest you come on. I still say we make them wait they can't shoot the video without you! Yeah, they can and my ass would still be out money for not showing up, so come on or I am leaving without you, I said grabbing my bag to go to the shoot. He rolled his eyes and eventually came along with me. I already know Tionne and Chili were gonna be on my ass for being late to this shoot. We've been fighting lately over a lot of stuff, from Lorenzo to songs on the album to just life in general. There was just so much shit going on with me personally and professionally that I couldn't deal. We pulled up to the video set 30 minutes later and as soon as I walked in, I could feel Chill burning a hole in my ass with her glare. Ti was up shooting some shots so she didn't see me come in.

Look who finally decided to show up. Chill... She's the star of course she shows up later than yall, Lorenzo said looking Chill up and down. Oh, really, she's the star huh! Is that what you been telling him Lisa? Can you go get me some coffee? Coffee! Yeah, coffee and a bottle of water please. I got it just remember I ain't your errand boy! Oh, and we need to talk about my role in the video too. Role in the video! Whose video Chill said speaking up again. Go Lorenzo I said motioning for him to leave. Soon as he walked off Chill went in on me. You letting that nigga control you Lisa! And what the fuck he talking about being in the video. Chill! No and another thing... Chilli please shut the fuck up! Excuse me she said crossing her arms. I am sorry ok, I didn't mean to cuss at you, please just give me a minute. She looked at me and then over at Lorenzo who was conveniently talking to some girl. Li you ok? No, I am not. Here sit down she said pulling the seat over for me to sit down. Look at me she said pulling my face up to hers. Lili you look sick. I am not just tired that's all. She felt my forehead. I just need to breathe for a few minutes that's all. She rubbed my shoulders before Ti came over to us. She...what's wrong with you Lisa? I am good! No, you aren't, you sick girl. No, I am...I felt so hot and light headed. She ain't good Chill come on help me get her over to the dressing room. They got me into the dressing room and turned the fan on me. I am gonna get her some water Ti said leaving me and Chill in the room. Lili! Yeah Chill. Are you pregnant? What! No! Nope I am not I am not I swear on that. I just haven't been feeling well. You need us to take you to the doctor? Just give me an hour and I'll be good. Ok. Chill! Yeah, can you do me a favor. Anything! Keep him out of here while I get my head together. He getting on your nerve she said chuckling? Hell, yeah, I said nodding my head. Ti came back in the room with a bottle of water, some food, and medicine. Here eat and then take this. We'll go do our shots and then come and get you. Thank yall. Mhm you our sister and we love you. I love yall too. That don't mean we ain't gon cuss you out later for being late though. I know, but in my defense, I was ready, it was his ass. Don't even worry about it you just rest right now they both said.

I ate the food and took the medicine before relaxing for an hour. It was the most rest I'd gotten in two weeks. Lorenzo thinks he's my manager and has be doing all kinds of shit without my approval. I've told him on more than one occasion to stop cause it ain't even that type of game. I kept what Ti told me about him being married in the back of my mind. I knew if I confronted him, he'd get defensive and then I'd feel like shit, but I wanted to know cause I maybe a lot of things but a home wrecker I am not. I fixed myself in the mirror before going out on to the set. You good babe! I am good I said nodding to him. Let's get this done I said going to do my shots.

The video shoot lasted 3 days and after the 1st day I left his ass in the hotel cause I wasn't about having the issues I was having with Ti and Chill. When we wrapped, I expected to go home and work on some more music until I was summoned to LA. By who you may ask? None other Ms. Justice, she said she needed to talk to me and it had to be in person. Why you going to Cali? I told you I got business to handle I'll meet you back in Atlanta in a few days. Why can't I come with you? Why couldn't I go, with you when you went on your business trip? That was a...yeah that's what I thought and don't all them folks at my house either. Whatever he said rolling his eyes. Mhm love you too I said walking off from him.

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