~*Chapter 43*~

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What do yall think of the suits? I don't know they cool and all. Cool and all I said chuckling as we looked at suits for the wedding. I'd spent time with them, but not as much as I should have seen as how in less than a month, I am marrying their mother and moving into their home full time. Pauline has spent so much time with my girls because their older and she doesn't have to contend with another parent. I on the other hand was dealing with two teenage boys, whose father was still very much alive, and relevant. Even though he wasn't around them like that, he still like to make his presence known when it came to his sons. Pauline would always tell me when they were married that he wasn't the best husband to her or the kids. She never outright said there was abuse but one can assume that when a woman leaves the house with just her kids in the middle of the night what was really going on in that marriage. Now how he got ahold of Maya I'll never understand and Pauline didn't really explain it either. But she's seen the light now and realizes that everything her father told her wasn't exactly true. She talks to her mother on a daily basis now.

What do yall think we should wear to the wedding then? Tuxedos, Michael said with a straight face. Tuxedos huh I said surprised. Yeah, I think our mom would really like that, because when she married our dad they didn't really have a wedding. Really! She said that they just got married in the back yard of his grandmother's house, and he wore some slacks and white shirt. He didn't even care to make sure he looked good for the day or the pictures. Wow I didn't know that. She doesn't like to talk about it, when we left and finally got settled in, she cut up all of the old pictures with him in it. I don't wanna pry but how do yall feel about me marrying your mother, when your father is still around? Mr. Lewis he isn't around, he just likes to torture our mother and say stupid stuff to her. Like he's coming back to get us and that she'd never find anyone like him. You're different though, you really respect our mother and us. All of us even, Maya and her resistance to our mother for so long. I respect yall because I've been in that predicament before. My girls' mother, left as well when they were younger. Why did she leave they said intently? We were young and rebellious when we got married. Her family looked down on me because I am black. They aren't black? They are but she's biracial, her white Norwegian father didn't take kindly to her marrying a black Trinidadian even though her mother is from Barbados. She's very skin and can easily pass for white.

When we first met, we had that instant connection because we were finally free our families. Do you still love her Devon said? Romantically, no as a friend yes. She gave me my daughters and for that I'll always love and respect her. You think our mom still loves our father? Hmm probably not in that romantic way, but I am sure has some sort of love for him because he's yall father no matter what their relationship was like in the past. It's cool that you talk to us like adults. Your mother doesn't speak to yall like adults? She does, but you know how moms are, we're here babies and she treats that way a little too much. Well once I move in that'll be different, she'll be out numbered. Oh wow she will for real be out numbered they said laughing. I'll finally be in a house with more testosterone than estrogen and I won't know how to act. So, what color Tuxes we looking for. What about blue ones, Devon said? Boy please, you want mama to kill him before they even get married for having us wears some tacky light blue suites. I didn't say light blue I said blue and most importantly I ain't trying to die either I was just trying to offer something different for the wedding. Blue could be nice though; I mean so we don't all look like penguins in all of that black. He may have point Michael what if yall did dark blue Tuxes and I did the black. We gotta see how dark blue looks, cause you know my mom don't play that if we come out there looking like the Gladys Pips. Who's what? Gladys Night and the Pips, you know Midnight Train to Georgia? They both looked at me as if I was speaking a foreign language. Never mind, I forgot yall still to young to know good music I said chuckling a little. Sir can we see your Tuxedo options please?

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