~*Chapter 52*~

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Li's album release party was definitely a night to remember. I was so proud of my baby for doing exactly what she always said she'd do and that was release her own album. She put her heart and soul in that album, and it showed too. Radio stations have been playing the hell out of Hot and Block party which she was a little concerned it wouldn't fair to well with her black fans, but her and JD did a remix that made it perfect for the top 100 radio stations that have more mixed radio listeners. Even in all of that excitement she still made time to come with me to meet with the Jones's daughter. I felt so bad because I am not that kind of person to just take money and forget about people. I just assumed I had time to do it. You good baby she said grabbing my hand as we drove? I am ok I feel guilty, I mean these people didn't have to go out of their way to leave me any money or anything. But they did and there is something in you that they saw as special. Why so much 35 thousand dollars to a girl that they barely even know. Now that I can't explain to you baby. I wish I would have had someone just randomly leave me money like that. I just don't know and then on top of that they mentioned Danielle in the will as well. Did they know her? I don't know I mean maybe my father took her to the record store while I was locked up. I doubt that he was putting every penny he had to your books. I talked about her lot when I worked there. I always told them how if I could just get it together and get a good job that I'd take care of her. Maybe they remembered that Remi. Maybe so I said leaning my head against the seat as we made the two and half-hour drive to Union Springs Alabama.

Never thought I'd see the day when we'd be road tripping to Alabama. Me either, why do I hear my ancestors calling out to me I said as we drove to through the small towns. Girl please our ancestors ain't down here. Well somebodies' ancestors are calling out to me. Look at that house I said as we pass this big ass white out that was in the distance. Just imagine how many black people worked these fields. I know I said looking out over the vast field that went on and on for miles. Before long we finally reached our destination. Wow this house is nice. What did you expect she said laughing a little bit? I don't know I've never been this deep in the south, we came from the Islands straight to Philadelphia we didn't make no stops. Come on girl she said laughing as we got out of the car and approached the front door. She rang the doorbell and we waited till someone came to answer the door. Roses I said looking at the bushes off the side of the porch. Yes, can I help you ladies? Um yes, I am Remi...Oh my god. Charles! Charles come here she yelled to someone in her house. What you yelling about Linda! Charles, look she said pointing to me. I looked at Lisa and she gave me the same look, like what the hell is going on. Wow you look just like your mother. I am sorry do I know yall? You don't remember us, do you? Should I? Come in baby the lady said opening the door up for us to come in the house. The house seemed so familiar to me, and I couldn't figure out why. I felt as if I'd been there before. Yall want something to drink? No ma'am I am fine Lisa said. I couldn't bring myself to say anything because I was so caught up in nostalgia of the house. Remi baby, Lisa said touching my hand. Huh...oh I am fine I said sitting down on the couch. I can't believe you're sitting here; it's been so long girl. I am sorry, but I've never been here before. You have you just don't remember it, when you were a little girl, you'd run all over this house. I don't remember I said shaking my head. I am sure once Joseph moved yall up to Philadelphia they didn't remind yall of where he came from. My father is from the Islands, Trinidad to be exact. Is that what he told you she said. That's where I was born, where my grandparents lived and...what are you saying to me?

Why don't you tell us how you met our mother and father? I needed a job, after getting out of prison. Prison, what on earth could you have done to end up in prison? I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I know that sounds cliché, but it's the truth, I went with my cousins to pawn some stuff so I could get some extra money. Before I went in, I had to make a phone call, while I was making the phone call they decided to go in and rob the place. The cops came right after I hung up the phone was going to get the stuff I wanted to. How many years they give you? 15 because my public defender couldn't pronounce my name and didn't really care to figure out if I was innocent. You served 15 years in prison. No ma'am my mother got me out after 5 and then I had to stay in a halfway house for 6 months before I could leave the state. I met your parents when I was looking for a job as a part of the rehabilitation program, I was in. Your father didn't even interview me he asked if I could count and work a cash register. That was daddy for you, he was always straight forward like that. He was so nice to me even though I'd been in prison, I mean who would let a convicted felon operate their cash register. When I finished my 6 months and made the decision to move to Atlanta they gave me money, I remember your mom saying, "this is for you to go start a new life". I feel so bad cause I was supposed to check in on them and I...I got caught up in life that I just forgot, I said wiping the tears off my face. Baby don't cry, the lady said offering me a tissue. They knew you were in good hands and that you were going to be ok. I took the money and never looked back, and I can't do that again I said putting the new check on the table. Thank you but I can't take it. Yes, you can! I can't it doesn't feel right..Ms. Linda is it. That's my name but it's not Ms, Remi I am your aunt. My what I said looking at her. I am your aunt, your biological aunt. I... I don't understand your last name is Jones, my father's last name is Lewis.

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