~*Chapter 49*~

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As soon as we got back from Europe, I started planning this proposal. Things were aligning themselves for us to get engaged and be married within the next year. Not only was Lisa getting her chance to release her album, our "best friends" brought us an excellent opportunity to work on some screenplays. I'd never thought about writing a movie but hell I got plenty of life experience and stories so whatever we come up with is going to be a hit. Tyler! Yes, your highness he said coming into the room. Haha real funny now come in I need a favor. Is it really a favor if you're going to pay me to do it? Fine I won't pay you to do it then. Oh well then honey I don't work for free. Tylerrrr!!! Ok ok I hear you, what you need me to do girl? I need a dop spot to host an intimate and private party for around 60 people. How private you want it like Buckhead bouncer private or like a rented mansion with addressed sent the day of private. I can do that. You can do anything for the right amount of money. I want it to special and private. I don't want to hear about it on the radio, news, or in any of the magazines. So, you want exclusive, I can do that, but like I said it's going to take money. I have money don't sweat that, what I need is for it be prepared to be planned and for it to happen in two weeks. Two weeks! Girl god performs miracles not me! Come on Tyler in your interview you said anything you put your mind to you can do it. Girl I was talking about pulling men, this right here is something totally different. Don't think of it as something different think of it as you pulling that millionaire. A millionaire he said as I perked his interest. Mhm a fine one with a big ass house and an ultimate supply of grey sweatpants. Grey sweatpants! A whole closet full I said smirking at him.

Alright why you trying to do? Halloween is coming up and instead of doing the regular old costume party I want to do a masquerade party. Like some phantom of the opera shit. I like that its different. Very different but the gist is I said looking outside the door for Lisa. She shouldn't be here, but she pops in and don't tell me all the time. Gist is it's an engagement party. Engagement whose getting engaged. I am going to propose to Lisa. Aww shit he said getting hyped. You bought the ring already? Tyler I've had that ring since early last year. Oh damn you ain't playing huh? No I am not, it's time, she's has a date to release the album in a few months and I don't wanna do it around that time because I know she put her heart and soul in that album, and I don't want that to take her away from her. And the holidays are too cliché so I thought Halloween would work. Ok then he said snapping his fingers. If you want this to go off the right way, I think you need to go the house route, it'll be more exclusive and also you can control the atmosphere. That's exactly what I want, but I also need to take into consideration childcare, Wynter, Liam, Snow, Ices, Quentin, and Julius will most likely be there and I don't want them to be left out if that makes sense. So, an area for children, you need someone to watch them as well? Yes, preferably someone that we can trust to watch the children. Ok I got it, I'll call up my real estate friend and see if she can get us some tours in the next couple days. Perfect thank you so much Tyler. No problem girl, let me get my ass to work cause you need the best location immediately! That's what I am paying you for I said chuckling as he walked out the room.

Now that I got Tyler working on the location I need work on the food, entertainment, and most importantly what the hell we were going to wear to this cause we can't just roll in there in no ordinary shit. We need to stand out at the party. If not, perfect timing did my phone ring, and it was Justice. Hey Girl! Hey Best Friend, what you doing? I was about to go do a little shopping before Lisa get back. Shopping I wanna go she said eagerly. You down go with me like on the spot. Hell, yeah, I am down I love shopping and besides I am bored cause my mama came and got my baby. And where is your wife at? Working girl and I am letting her be too. Ok well I'll come get you then. How about I come get you instead. I am down for that I can be ready in about 20 minutes. Cool I'll be there in 20 then. Alright then later best friend! Bye Best friend I said hanging up the phone. By the time I got myself together Justice was pulling into the driveway. Re...Oh I was about to tell you someone is here Tyler said. I know its Justice we're about to head out for a little bit. Ok, I have calls out to all my real estate friends for leads. You need me for anything else? Naw I am good on that just make sure that I am clear for that weekend. No last-minute shit nothing can ruin this. I got it, but you are still good for this weekend right. This weekend where at? It's a local gig so no travel required other than to getting to the venue on time. Whew ok I said as we walked out the door. I am a see you later once I get the word. Yes Sir I said getting to Justice car. Bye Tyler! Bye Remi he said getting in his car as I got hers.

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