~*Chapter 34*~

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~ Lisa~

Wheew! I mumbled sitting my bag down in the house. I was back sooner than I thought I would be, cause we had to end the tour unexpectedly due to Tionne getting sick. It wasn't her normal sickness where she could get some fluids a few days of rest and push through it. No, that nigga tried to take my sister and best friend out of this world and blame it on one of the closet people to her. No way in hell would Justice try to kill Tionne! I mean yeah, they had their history and shit, but she'd kill herself before she'd seriously harm Ti in anyway. I knew he was conniving and up to no good, but I had no idea he'd take it that far.

Sis you hungry Rei said! More so tired it's been a rough couple of days I said plopping down on the couch. Ti's good though right I mean she was ok when you left? Oh yeah, she's fine, you know Justice ain't gon let nothing happen to her. They finally got it together. After 5 years she finally got her back. They back together? You ask them, they are working towards it, but take it from me once they saw one another it was only a matter of time before they reconnected. Like you and Remi! Yeah, like Remi and I said smiling to myself. I made sure she left LA with a big smile on her face and diamonds in her ears. We weren't ready for the proposal yet, but I wanted her to know that I was serious about making it work. I got her nice pair of diamond earring to commemorate her first trip to the west coast and signify my love for her. It was the first time in a long time that I'd seen her cry and not because I'd upset her, but because she truly touched and happy. Which made me happy because I never wanted to hurt her at any period and time.

Where's Remi, Rei said pulling me out of my thoughts? Philly with Jade and Shai! Why did they go back there? Jade's mother died. Oh no! That girl I said shaking my head. That girl is so strong Rei, the amount stuff that she's been through in her short life and she keeps pushing. You could say that for all of us Li, I mean we didn't exactly have the best childhood either. We didn't but we had both of our parents, I mean regardless of if they were together or not, they were there for us. Her mom pimped her out and when she got pregnant at a young age, she took her baby and tried to give her up for adoption. And despite all of the shit that she went through, he still paid to have her mom cremated and now she's paying to bury her ashes with her grandmother. She's better than me I don't think I'd be that nice to a person who did all that stuff to me. Me either.

I think I am gonna go take a shower and then get some rest. Alright, I'll be down here if you need anything. What's up with you, you aren't normally the one to stay at my house like that. Nothing I can't just chill! Chill, what's up Rei? Guy problems. What has he done now? Nothing and that's the problem, when I met him, we were into the same thing's music, fashion, nightlife you know. And now he barely wants to leave the house and the when does leave the house he goes to get food and comes back. Is he depressed or something? I don't know cause he won't talk to me. And I've tried Li, I just don't know if I can keep doing this. Rei this what relationships are, the good and the bad, sounds to me like something happened and he's not dealing with it properly. How do I help him without seeming over bearing? Be there for him, let him know that you are there you won't judge him. Just listen to what he has to say. Is that how you would handle things with Andre? No, the contrary, but it wasn't because I didn't care about him, it was because the shit he was doing was foul. It was me that was depressed and not leaving the house. Because of Andre's cheating! Amongst other things that were going on in my life back then. What about with Remi have you ever felt that way? No I can't say that I have because she knows me, she has this innate sense of when I am off and she lets me know that she's there for me and that I can come to her. I think I get it now, she said nodding. Just be there for him Rei, men aren't emotional creatures so they don't necessarily know how to express their emotions like we would like them too. But if you truly love him and see yourself being with him in the future you gotta put in the work for it. Thanks sis! No problem I said. I think I am gonna go home and make him some food and be there for him. That's all you gotta do and he'll come to you with whatever is bothering him. I'll call you later! Ok I should be up in a little while; Remi is supposed to call me anyway.

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