~*Chapter 41*~

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Sacramento, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, and finally New York, we're one stop closer to getting home, and trust me no one on this tour is more ready to be home than me. Hold up that's a lie, my sistah over here damn near about to come up out of her skin trying to get back to Atlanta. Ever since she's reconnected with Justice, she's been different, not in a bad way either. She's been like the old T mixed with a more emotionally stable older T that we'd yet to see. And I must say I like her like this, she's finally seeing what I've been saying all these years about setting boundaries between letting TLC dictate everything in our lives. Especially now that she has a baby coming, she's gotta balance a whole new level of responsibilities. But with more responsibilities came more things to value, she valued her relationship now more than ever with Justice. So much so that she flew out her family to New York she was ready to make that move and discuss marriage but she knew that she couldn't do it without their blessing.

How is bonding with the family? Low key I was shitting my pants at the thought of staying with them Li. Her family ain't to be fucked with. Who are they mafia or some shit? Not the mafia but close enough she mumbled. Huh! Her family is...they kind of dangerous. Dangerous I said looking at her before busting out laughing. I was laughing before I realized that she wasn't laughing. Oh, wait you serious! As a heart attack! I never really inquired as to what Justice's family was into, I mean I knew her brother had done some time for something but it never dawned on me that they were into something that wasn't on the up and up. Tionne what are they into I said sitting across from her while we ate. You ever hear about the 88's. No should I have? They are a street gang in Atlanta, back in the day her father and his brother ran it. Until he was murdered when she was 12. Oh god! The 88's didn't stop after he died it went to her older brother and he's been running it ever since. I nodded taking in the information before stopping and looking at her, I grabbed her arm and turned it over looking at the tattoo she had on the wrist. I'd asked her a long ass time ago what that tattoo meant and she said it was double infinity. Are you a member of the gang Tionne? Shhh she said looking around the restaurant. Well, are you? That's how I met Justice, through her brother and the day that I was getting initiated she was the one that saved me that day. Oh, I said sitting back. If that don't make matters worse her older sister isn't my biggest fan either, after what happened in the past. But they gave you their blessing right. Like you still going to ask Justice to marry you. They did eventually after her mom and brother told her to calm down, but I know she still feel some type of way about me and our previously relationship. Maybe you need to talk to her one on one and let her know yeah you did fuck up but you not on that no more and neither is Justice. I thought about it but I don't wanna press the situation you know she said yes and I don't need her changing her mind either.

Damn Ti how did we not know that? I didn't want yall to know, it was prior to me getting in TLC. You still active in it? It's for life I ain't really got an out unless I am trying to die. And I am not trying to do that right now. I don't do anything with them, I am on the outskirts for real and don't know anything that they are doing unless it relates to Justice. That fine dude that came to the house in Cali is in it too? Ooop don't you got a whole girlfriend that is crazy her damn self, you don't need them problems. I know I got a girlfriend, that don't change that he's fine, it don't mean I am a step to him. Speaking of stepping to people, you and Andrew! Me and Andrew what? I know you were feeling him. Naw he's cool and I felt bad for him, I mean finding out your baby mama let her new nigga abuse your child. He obviously needed a friend and someone to talk to. And you were being a friend to him, so when you were coming out of his room. We were talking he wasn't touching nothing on my body nor was I touching nothing on his. Ok I just wanna make sure cause you know he's going to be at the engagement dinner I don't want there to be no confusion between him and Remi. There won't be cause she can't make it. Why not? She has to go to Philly to see her mom and she has a gig that same weekend I asked her if she could reschedule or leave later but you know family comes first. Damn I wanted her to meet Justice. Me too, she's been talking a lot lately about her. How, she's never met her before. She's an energy base, she can feel energies even if she's never met them and she's feeling Justice's energy strongly. Hey now, that's my woman. Girl bye she's not feeling her like that, it's most likely because she's pregnant that her energy is way stronger because its not only hers but the babies as well. Maybe they should talk I mean just because they haven't met doesn't mean they can't talk. I was thinking the same thing but wanted to run it by you first before I just give out her number. It's cool with me, I ain't got no problems with them talking.

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