~*Chapter 22*~

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Ms. Lewis can I see you after lecture. After lecture I said nervously as my professor stood over me. Yes ma'am, she said walking away from me. Damn girl what you do to have to meet with the professor after lecture. I don't know I said nervously looking around the class. I wasn't like my sister I liked to stay lowkey and not cause to much attention to myself. When she came to the campus and cause that scene it was a good and a bad thing because not only did it get the situation handled, but it made me visible to the whole campus and now I got girls and guys giving me ugly looks. I tried my best to focus on the lecture but I couldn't I was so nervous about what she had to talk to me about after class. You want me to wait on you? No go ahead I'll catch up with you. Alright girl I'm going to the quad I'll see you later, my friend Charmaine said leaving the lecture hall.

Professor Green you wanted to see me. Yes, I did take a seat she said motioning for me to take a seat. I heard about the incident a few weeks ago. My sister shouldn't have done that and I... yes she should have, although I don't agree with her saying that she'd castrate him, she had every right to protect your honor and virtue. You think so! Yes, I do, I wish I'd had a sister like her when I was in college it probably would have kept me from being raped as well. You were raped? I was at a party, the guy that did it was someone I knew and thought I could trust. After it happened, he told me if I told no one would ever believe me and he was absolutely right until 9 months later. What happened 9 months later? I gave birth to my son. You got pregnant. Mhm she said nodding. My family was against abortion and I couldn't see giving my child up for adoption, so when I found out I opted to keep the baby and I suffered through the ridicule from my extended family and people who thought they knew me. What does your son say now? Now he says that I am his hero. And his father! Well let's just say he got his karma, 6 months after he raped me, he raped a white girl from a neighboring city and her brothers and father didn't take kindly to that. They kill him? What do you think, it was late 70's a young black male assaults, a well to do white girl I am sure he prayed for them to just send him to jail instead of ending up in the morgue!

I am saying all this to say that you shouldn't feel discouraged or bad about what she did because she was protecting you and in essence so many other young girls on this campus. Yeah, she's always done that for me. She's a good big sister. Anyway, that's all I wanted to talk to you about, and to let you know that if you ever need to talk, you can always come to me. Thank you, Professor Green. No problem, also I wanted to give you this she said handing me some papers. What is this? Your make up exam, I didn't realize at the time what you were going through and it wasn't right for me to put more undue stress on you. Seriously! Seriously It's a take home exam, please return it by tomorrow morning at 8 am and I'll grade it for you. Oh my god thank you so much. Like I said I understand the situation and I never want to be one of those people that ignores the signs. Thanks again I said taking the exam. I looked at my watch, it was 2 pm, crap If I went home now, I would have time to review the information for the exam and take it.

Where you rushing off to? Home I need to study. For what girl we got a month till our next exam. I know Professor Green is giving me a chance to redo that test I messed up on. Word that's nice of her. It is can you do me a favor and take notes at that meeting. I'll call you after wards. Thanks girl I said going to my car. Yeah, I got a car, Daddy saved up some money and got me a little car for Christmas, it wasn't much but hey it was my own and now we had 3 cars in the house and I didn't have to wait on him or Remi to drive me places. I immediately drove home, grabbed a snack and cracked open my book and started reviewing my materials till I heard folks start coming home. Ok Danielle you did this, you studied and you know the materials I said as I put the pencil down just as Shai was coming into the room.

Hey Girlie! Hey why you so happy? Cause yo girl just got a raise at work. Really congratulations! Thanks what you doing up here studying in the middle of the day. My professor let me retake that exam I messed up on a few weeks ago. You shitting me right. Nope and she told me an interesting story too. What's that she said sitting on the bed? She tells me that I should be grateful for what Remi did because when she was in college she was raped and she wished that she'd had a sister like Remi. Damn she was raped. Girl that ain't even the worst part, the guy denied it and made it sound like she was crazy, until she ends up having his baby. Oh no, what happened to him? Well, what do you think happens to a black boy that rapes a white woman? Ohhh yeah, and not just her either he did the same thing to another girl too. That's crazy that happened to her but it's not uncommon for that type of thing to happen. I mean I went through something similar when I was in high school and you know Jades story. True that, when she was talking to me it got me thinking that maybe I should start up a group for girls that have been assaulted, you know as like an outlet or something. That's actually a great idea and you know your big sister would support you in it as well. You think she would?

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