~*Chapter 13*~

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"And they told you this isn't a paying job correct? Yes, I know it's unpaid strictly for experience. Mhm" she said looking me up and down. I was meeting with the station director at one of the radio stations about a job DJ'ing. The guys were cool enough to help me with a few things one of them being hooking me up with this side gig, I knew going into it, that it would be unpaid, but they also got me some paying gigs as well helping with some songs that they were working on. I was grateful to them for that as well because they ain't have to help me out. Your shift is the midnight to 5 am shift, so be here by 11:30, ready to go on the air. Yes ma'am. Alright you can go down to security and get your picture taken for your badge you'll need that when you come in tonight. Thank you again! Mhm she said shooing me out of her office. Rude ass bitch I mumbled to myself as I left the office. I don't know why she was being such a bitch to me, like I stole her man or some shit. I went and took the picture and contended with the security guard flirting with me. He was really trying to kick game to me like I was really going to be interested. Before I left, he said "Honey Dip I work the day shift so I'll seeing you!" Thank god I work the middle of the night shift so I won't see his ass till the morning when I am leaving if that.

How did it go Shai said as I got in the car? It was ok but that station director needs to take the stick out of her damn ass, I don't know why she had to be so rude to me. Probably cause she's jealous I mean look at you, you're gorgeous and talented. Shai really! What! You're straight and you met my situation. Girl bye don't be full of yourself, ain't no one trying to get with you, I was just saying that's probably why her ass is jealous. Calm down girl I was playing, I know damn well you don't want me, I was joking. Haha very funny! And you won't believe it the damn security guard was hitting on me too. They trying to get that ass huh she said laughing. No one is getting this ass! But Lisa she said smirking! Anyway, Shai I said rolling my eyes, in the back of my mind she was right, my body belongs to Lisa, and I'd never purposely give it to anyone else. What time you go in? 11:30pm to 5 in the morning. Got damn they gave you the shitty shift. I gotta start somewhere and I am sure it won't be that bad, I mean think about it, not a lot of traffic and I can really practice my craft. And when your boo comes back, how you gon spend time with her if you at work during booty call hours. Booty call hours! Girl ain't no booty being given out and furthermore, she's working so we'll make time for each other when we can. When yall can Remi, I thought the whole plan was to come down here so you can get her back! That wasn't the plan Shai, the plan was to get the hell out of Philadelphia. And get back with Lisa! You could have gone anywhere, but you ended up here in Atlanta in a house 15 mins from hers. You can't tell me that you don't love her. I didn't say I didn't love her; I just don't know. You do what her back right?

I don't even know how to answer that question at this point. Not to say that we weren't on good terms right now, it's just that things have been weird since I told her what happened to me in prison. It's like she went from begging to see me to barely even talking to me. She's on her promo tour now and hasn't even called to tell me where she's at or if she was ok. I mean damn I do have feelings. I knew it was too soon to see her and it was definitely too soon to tell her what they did to me as well.

You know Shai maybe I need to let go of the past. Let it go she said glancing over at me. Yeah maybe we've grown apart and it's not meant to be. That shit don't, even sound right Remi, it's obvious that girl loves you. If she loves me so much why she ignoring me, like I did something to her? I don't know maybe you just need to call her. Yeah not happening, if she wants to talk to me, she can call me and that's on that I said sucking my teeth as I looked out the window while we drove back to the house. How did it go my dad said as we came into the house? Good got the gig, I gotta go back to work at 11:30. You start tomorrow that's great. No daddy 11:30 tonight. Tonight! Yup, I know it's a bad shift but I am ok with that. That's late Remi and you... I know daddy, but I am going straight to the station and then coming straight back. Don't worry Mr. Lewis she'll be good, Shai said trying to help my case. I know she will I just worry about you girls especially down here. They already a little iffy about black people, but black people with records. We're good, we all got jobs, regardless of the records. Yeah about that. About what? Can I talk to Remi alone he said looking at Shai? Shai looked at me, sure I am gonna go see what the babies are doing she said walking off from us.

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