~*Chapter 9*~

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Hey girl what you doing here I said watching Jade walk into the record shop. I need to talk to you. Ok, what's up? Shai's in the hospital. Come again. Suicide attempt. Suicide I said putting the price gun down. Her boyfriend was murdered in jail. Oh no. She wasn't taking it well; we went into the bathroom and an hour later they found her hanging from the shower rod. Everything good Remi, Mr. Jones said coming out the back. No no it's not. What's going on? Shai is in the hospital. Shai, you mean the pretty young lady always coming in here to see you. Yeah, her boyfriend died and she tried to kill herself. He shook his head, you kids these days. I know Mr. Jones you don't have to tell me. You go ahead and check on her. I don't get off for another hour though. It's ok you go ahead I was coming to tell you we closing up early tonight anyway. Closing up early on a Saturday? Yeah, it's getting to dangerous out here now, and I don't want you out that late. Mr. Jones you know I am good and I got my cousins car. I know but you go ahead and see your friend. I studied him for a few minutes. Ok, Jade give me a few minutes I said. She nodded as well. I helped Mr. Jones close up the store before Jade and I went on our way to the hospital. Things with Mr. Jones have been kind of weird lately, not in the sense that I feel unsafe around him. But in the sense that he closes up the store early on days that we normally close later and then he forgets the simplest things as well. I'd been meaning to talk to his wife about it, but I hadn't gotten the chance too.

It was still early enough for visitors when we got there so we weren't expecting them to turn us away. Please we just want to see her, I pleaded with the nurse. It's family only. We're family, she's my little sister, and this is our younger sister I said pointing to Jade. Please we just want to make sure she's ok. I thought you said yall were friends. We can't be friends as well. Are yall some kind of runaways she said narrowing her eyes at me. Ma'am I am 25 I am not running away from anything, she's 17 and will be 18 in a few weeks, we just want to make sure our sister is ok. She sucked her teeth, before looking around, visitation ends in 30 minutes. You can see her for 30 minutes. Thank you! Thank you so much I said as she showed us to her room. I don't know what I was expecting to see when we went into her room, I just wanted to make sure that she was ok. She was crazy about her boyfriend and the fact that they were so close to him getting out of prison and then this happens. Oh god Jade said seeing her laying there so helpless. Why is she strapped down I said touching the straps that her arms were in. Standard procedure for suicide attempts. You know! Yeah been there a couple of times. They'll let her out of them once they feel like she won't harm herself.

Shai! I said gently touching her hand. Remi! Shai! He's gone Remi she said as tear slid down her face. I know but you have to be strong. What am I supposed to do without him now? Shh shh don't get worked up. You're going to be ok. No, I am not, and I don't want to live without him, what am I going to tell...tell who Shai? Our son! You have a baby? Yeah, I was pregnant when I went to jail. I had him jail. My mom has him now. I looked at Jade and she shook her head. Shai listen to me; you literally have 2 months till you are free to leave the group home. And go where Remi, I ain't got family like you, he was my family and my everything. That's not true you have your son. Get him and...I looked around, and come to Atlanta with me. Atlanta! yeah both of you I said looking up at Shai come with me to Atlanta, yall can start over down there. I'll make sure yall are good, I promise. Visitation is over the nurse said coming into the room. I nodded and looked at Shai, that's our deal, you get through this and we go to Atlanta I said giving her my pinky. She gave me her pinky and nodded to me. Alright I'll be back tomorrow to see you ok, I said rubbing her forehead. Come on Jade. We'll be back tomorrow Shai don't worry she said rubbing her shoulder before joining me in following the nurse out the room.

Thank you for letting us see her. You two aren't her sister, are you? We're the only family she has we look out for one another. I've seen her here before; this isn't her first time on this floor. Wait what? She's a repeat offender, but funny enough I haven't seen her in a long time. If you two are the reason for that I'll let yall see her as long as she's here. This is my information I said writing my pager number on the post it note. Please call me if anything goes wrong. Remi, she said looking at me. Yes. She stapled the post it note to Shai's file and wrote on the top "family member". I'll be back tomorrow. She nodded come around 7, I'll be here and you can spend more time with her. Thank you! Thank you so much. No problem.

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