~*Chapter 24*~

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~ Tionne~

I don't know what the hell is wrong with her Tionne its like she's lost her whole damn mind I mean it seems like every time we go out, she getting drunk and acting belligerent and shit. And don't even get me started on that nigga Lorenzo. Wait who the fuck is Lorenzo? He's the reason her and Remi ain't together anymore. Hold on a minute what do you mean her and Remi ain't together anymore? You didn't know! No, I didn't Lisa ain't exactly been calling me every day. Yeah, they ended it back in May, why you think she was buck wild on her birthday and then don't even talk about the trip to Florida. She damn near showed her whole ass, if it wasn't for Blaque being there too she would have. Damn Rei I didn't know. Well, I am here to tell you, talk to yo girl cause she wildin out for real. What about Remi how is she? Hmmm she's another situation all together she ain't on the same shit Lisa is but she's definitely not coping well with it either. What's that mean? She's dating someone. Come again? Oh yeah you didn't know she hooked up with some photographer chick. She trying to keep it low key but Danielle tells me that she be at her studio all the time and they are talking about moving in together. Hold the fuck on Rei it's September how the hell are they going to move in together it's only been 5 months. You're guess is as good as mine but that's what we've all been talking about. And now we coming to you to try to get Lisa's head on straight. Why me? Because you have experience in this area. Oh wow Rei low blow. I wasn't trying to say that I meant dealing with a same sex relationship, she needs some real ass advice before she fuck around and end up with another Andre. I'll be damned I said chuckling. Seriously Tionne on another note, I am worried about my sister, she hasn't been the same since Remi ended it with her. Is Remi not talking to her at all? She tried to reach out to her but Lisa never returned the phone call. I'll try talking to her but I won't promise anything. Just try please! I'll try. Aye I'll get back with you. Thank you Ti! Mhm Bye girl I said hanging up the phone.

I ain't realize that Lisa was tripping out like that I means she's always been free spirited and enjoyed her drinks but she's never been out right sloppy drunk. What I didn't know is that she was getting wild like that. I mean I was in Florida doing promo when she was doing the Ladies Night video and I didn't notice anything different. Then again, we didn't get to kick it like we normally do cause she was working and I was only there for the first day of the shoot. I can't have her going out like that though, cause I do know what it feels like to lose the person that you love the most. I had to figure out a way to approach the situation cause I also know how the Gemini acts when she feels like she's cornered or being attached. We were supposed to be meeting to discuss the next album sometime next week but maybe I could meet up with her before on a personal tip to see where her head was at.

It was just my luck when a few hours later she called me out of the blue and wanted to have dinner together. I had to keep my cool and not let on to the fact that Rei had called me and told on her. I suggested we chill at the house grab some food and chat; the plan worked I pulled up to her house. Whose truck is this I mumbled to myself as I spotted the pick-up truck parked next to Lisa's expedition. I rang the doorbell and waited till she answered the door. Hey Ti she said smiling. She's drunk I can tell I thought to myself. Hey Lisa I said walking into the house. I made food if that's ok with you she said walking back into the living room. That's cool I am always down for a good meal. How are things since you broke up with Dalvin, she said stirring the food. As expected, he said that I'd never find anyone better than him and then he threatened to tell everyone and I blocked his phone number. I've been in counseling for 3 months now. Counseling huh she said looking at me. Yup I am doing the work. Hmph doing work she mumbled to herself. Whose truck is that outside? A friend's! A friend huh I said standing up and going to where she was at. Yeah a friend I met. What happened to Remi? We can talk when he leaves, she said not making eye contact with me.

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