~*Chapter 16*~

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I knew when she excused herself from the table, she wasn't good and that she was going to breakdown. I went to get up, but mom stopped me. She said she needed to do this because it's her fault that she feels the way she does. I agreed with her and let her go and handle Dani while I stayed at the table. I was responding to a two way from Jade when someone caught my eye, I looked up and it was that Andre nigga and some girl. I knew it wasn't Lisa cause she was busy getting her house ready for the dinner tonight. Her idea not mine, she said she wanted to have our first family dinner at her house and then she asked if it was okay if my dad brought Pauline and her boys to the dinner as well. Of course, I was a little skeptical you know about that cause this ain't the Cleavers all sitting down for a big ass dinner. We a big black or rather mixed raced family that afraid to use knives and plates as weapons. She assured me that things would be just fine and that it would all work out. I pray that it does because the last thing I wanna do is see my family on the news for tearing up this girl's house.

I thought his ass had been traded to some team up North. Why is he here in Atlanta anyway? I was caught off guard by my mom and Danielle coming back to the table. Everything ok? Yes, I am fine she said looking away from me. I looked at my mom and I could tell she'd been crying as well. So much for a chill lunch I thought as we ate in silence. By the time dessert came we were finally coming around to talk and not have this weird vibe between us. How is school going Danielle, have you picked a major yet? It's going on ok, I like my classes but I have no idea what I want to major in yet. Well it's okay you have time and honestly, I didn't even know what I wanted to do till my junior year. Really you waited that long to decide to become a lawyer. I did, I was fighting wanting to do what my parents wanted and that was to become a teacher. A teacher we both said looking at her. Yeah back in my day and especially in the islands, women didn't really go to school and if they did it was for one of two things to become a teacher or a nurse. I wasn't about bodily fluids or missing body parts so I went with education, which I found out quickly that it wasn't what it was cracked up to be, especially since I don't really like kids. You don't like kids, but you have 4! I know that! I mean I don't like other people's kids; I could not imagine spending all day with someone else's ill-behaved children. Me either me and Danielle said laughing.

So where are we meeting for dinner tonight? Um actually we're going to have dinner at a friend's house. A friend huh she said looking at me. Remi stop lying we having dinner at Lisa's house. And who is Lisa mom said smirking at me? For your information Danielle, Lisa is my friend. Yeah, the friend that you sleep...Mom don't worry I'll come and get yall for dinner I said cutting off Dani. Ok baby she said laughing as we walked our mom back to the hotel before going home. Instead of getting Dani's ass right then I'd rather her be afraid of when I was going to get her. Come on Remi say something! Something I said laughing. You know what I mean. Yeah, I do, and you didn't have to tell her me and Lisa are sleeping together. So yall are sleeping together. You knew that. No, I didn't I was just teasing you, but yall really having sex? I think the more important question is are you having sex? What! You heard me; Dani are you having sex? She looked at me before speaking again, well not recently but I have. You aren't virgin anymore? To be fair you aren't either. Does Daddy know? Uhh hell naw do you think if he did, I'd still be alive. Who was it? You don't know him; he was a person I knew in high school before we moved. Did you love him? What's love got to do with it, I was horny and he was there so I did it. You used protection, right? Of course, I did, I am not stupid and I get tested every 6 months. I just wanted your first time to be special and not because you were horny. It was what it was and I've moved on from it. Don't sweat it she said going into the house.


I was doing my final walk through to make sure everything was prepared for tonight's dinner. I may have stuck my foot in my mouth offering to have the dinner here, but I wanted the first time they all set down to be in a controlled setting. I ain't want it to take place at some restaurant where if a scene was made everyone would see it. Also no one has that kind of money to feed all them folks. Li! Yeah, I said looking up to see Trina and Snow with their bags. Where yall going? To my mom's house for the night. You don't have to leave it's just a dinner and plus I got more than enough food. You don't think that would be weird us being here. Why would it be, you're one of my best friends and she's...Remi is family so it wouldn't be a problem. Snow baby go put your stuff back we're staying. Yay we're staying she said running back to put her stuff up. Why won't you admit it? Admit what! Lisa, we're friends, best friends at that and this girl been here pretty much every weekend, you let her drive your jeep, and she got keys to the house, so what is she? She's...my...the door bell ringing signaling that they were here. We'll talk about it later. Mhm we will cause I want to know she said laughing.

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