~*Chapter 5*~

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What y'all doing in here I said walking into the living room of the group home. Girl watching the news you see this shit! What I said plopping down on the couch. Girl Left eye burned that niggas house down this morning. WHAT!!! Yeah look she said pointing to the news coverage playing on the television. The news woman was talking about how the mansion was set on fire this morning after Lisa and her boyfriend got into an altercation that led to her sitting the house on fire. They went on to talk more about how this wasn't the first time that the couple had gotten into an altercation and that last year he pulled out a gun on her. The fuck he pulled a gun on her! Naw this has to be a lie. No way in hell she'd never let anyone do this type of shit to her. I got up off the couch and grabbed the phone and dialed my dad's number.

Hello! Daddy! Baby girl. Tell me what I just saw wasn't true? Unfortunately, I can't. Where is she daddy I said going into the pantry and closing the door behind me. I don't know, I tried reaching out to her mom and she doesn't know either. Did you call Rei? Who is Rei! Her sister! Call her sister she'll know where she is. I'll try. Daddy please, I'll get bus ticket to co...No you won't Oluremi! Daddy! No, you have 11 months and 2 weeks until you are free. You stay there and do what you need to do. Daddy she needs me. Yeah, she does but she needs you free and not on the damn run either. Promise me Remi you won't show up here. I pause for a minute looking around. Remi! I promise Daddy. Ok!

How are you doing? I am ok, I got a job. You told me at the record store with Mr. Jones. Yeah he's nice and he allows me to work freely. That's good. How is Dani! She's doing well, still a little homesick. She'll be ok once she starts school and sees how Atlanta really is. Yeah, I decided to teach her how to drive. Oh lawd, the streets of Atlanta are not safe. She'll probably be like how you were. That's because you were yelling at me. You were worried about the wrong damn thing, while I was trying to teach you. I probably was I said admitting the truth. You know you were. She'll be ok Remi don't stress yourself out. How long has he been doing that to her? I don't know and it was a shock to me find out as well, she was always a firecracker. Daddy if you talk to her please tell her I love her and to keep her head up. I will baby girl! Alright I gotta go cause I don't want anyone here to hear me. I'll let you go, love you. Love you too daddy I said hanging up the phone. I said a brief prayer for Lisa before leaving the pantry.

Girl why were you in the pantry Shai said closing the fridge. Oh I was taking a phone call. We're gonna go grab some pizza you want to come? Uh no yall can go. You sure! Yeah, I am just gonna take a shower and turn in. ok well we'll bring you back some then. Thanks, I said giving her small smile. After the girls left, I took a shower and settled in for the night. I just kept thinking about her and wondering if she was ok. It was about 10:30 when Shai stuck her head in the room. You good? Yeah, I am fine just tired that's all. You got a phone call. A phone call from who it's almost a 11 at night. She said her name was Reina! Reina, I said jumping off the bed and damn near running out the room. I grabbed the phone off the counter, Rei! Remi! Oh my god, where is she? Is she safe! what the hell is wrong with that nigga! Calm down Remi. She's safe, we got her in a hotel outside of town. Rei what the hell is going on? Remi I can't even begin to tell you what you happened, and I probably shouldn't either, but just know that she's safe and I'll keep in contact with you. Just tell me this, did he really pull a gun on her? The phone went silent for a moment. Rei! He did! Why is she with him? I don't know that's something you'll have to discuss with her when yall see each other again. Thank you, Rei, when I saw the news I almost flipped out. Trust, I know you did. You spoke to my father! No, I didn't. How did you get the number then? From Lisa she said to go to her house and get the paperwork. Wait her house, she just... She bought a new house before that and moved her stuff out of his house. He was mad because of that? That amongst other things, I just wanted to call you and let you know she's good. Thank you. No problem. I'll talk to you later girl. Yeah you too, I said hanging up the phone.

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