~*Chapter 23*~

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Yall sure yall don't want to go for the weekend with me? I can't Remi I got school and work. Me too Jade said. Danielle's going with you, you should be fine. I know I just didn't want to leave yall alone. Girl we'll be fine besides, if we all go who is going to watch out for Pops. You right. Enjoy the trip girl besides this will give yall some time to see your mom and your family. We're actually staying with her, Jacques, and the kids. Ooh that'll be interesting when is the last time you've slept in a house with your mom? When I was 11 years old and even then, it was tense. You're older now and you got money so if things aren't on the up and up you can do go get yall a hotel room. True that. What's up with Lisa lately, Jade said as I got my stuff together for the trip. What you mean, she's been busy working with her girl group and doing some work on her own music. Is that all she's up to? You know something you want to share with me, Jade? I was just wondering why she hasn't really been around lately and you been here every night for the last 2 weeks. I told you she's been busy and really so have I.

I wasn't blind I knew something was different about Lisa lately and to be honest I haven't really been on the up and up my damn self either. After the first photo session with Nina, I didn't think it was worth going back, I mean I'd never been in that position before but there was just something about her that drove me crazy. Some nights I'd lay in bed thinking about her and one night I even almost let the craving get to me, I drove to her studio hoping that she was there. Thank god she wasn't cause I really would have gotten in some trouble that night for real that night. I realized after that I had to get my shit together cause I wasn't going to put myself in a position to cheat on Lisa. Speaking of Lisa, Jade wasn't wrong Lisa had been moving differently for the last few weeks and I attributed it to the fact that she was busy working with the girls and finally working on her own music. I knew she wasn't cheating because Andre wasn't even in Atlanta anymore that I knew of and there was no other interests for her. Let me rephrase that there better not be any other interest for her.

Ok if you say so Remi, they said leaving me with my thoughts as I continued to pack for the trip. We weren't leaving till the next day but Dani and I have OCD like a bitch so we started packing today so that we were ready to go tomorrow morning. Before I left though I wanted to see Lisa cause I knew when I got back she'd probably be busy or on a trip too. I grabbed the phone and called the house to see if she was there. Hello! Hey Trina! Hey Remi what's up long time no see? I know I've been busy working and handling stuff here at the house. What you been up to? You know same ole same ole. Mhm speaking of her is she around? Unfortunately, Remi she's not here right now. Really damn where is she at? New York for the weekend. New York! What the hell is she doing in New York. Remi, I don't want to be in the middle of this. Middle of what Trina? I'll tell her to call you if she calls tonight. Trina just tell me! I don't want to be in it. Alright tell her to call me tonight cause I am leaving for Philly tomorrow morning. I will. Trina is she...never mind I'll talk to her. Please do she said before we hung up the phone. She went to New York and didn't even tell me I mumbled to myself. I shook it off and went downstairs to hang with the family and not work myself up over what Trina said to me about Lisa.

Lisa never called and I couldn't sit around and wait for her to call either, I'll deal with her when I get back from my weekend with my family. I can't believe we're back in Philly together Dani said as we got off the plane. I know this is crazy and the fact that we're going to mom's house too, who would have ever thought. Definitely not me I said as we looked around for them as we existed the plane. REMIIIIIII! Was all I heard before someone literally attacked me. Wynter I said smiling as I saw it was that hugging my waist. Damn she hit you like a running back Liam said coming up to us. Hey boy watch your mouth my mom said coming up behind him. My girls she said smiling at us. Hi Mom we said together. Give me a hug she said grabbing us the best she could cause Wynter was still literally holding on to my waist. Ok ok come on now mom remember we're supposed to be going to the store. Yall going to the store mom? Liam here wants to go get some video games, but if he remembers I told him Maybe we'd go to the store it wasn't a definite yes. Mom seriously! It's ok mom we're down to the store if you're buying all of us video games Dani said smirking. Girl you don't play video games both of yall are adults. Who said I love me some video games! Yeah me too I said agreeing with Dani. What system you got Liam? Yall like video games he said with a shocked expression as we walked out to their car. Uhh yeah are we not supposed to. Girls don't play video games though. Who said! Mom! I didn't say girls didn't like or play video games I said girls don't like boys that play video games all day eventually you need to bathe boy. Mama really putting my business out there. Mom has a point Liam girl don't like sticky boys I said chuckling. As promised, we stopped by the video game store so Liam could get his games and also while we were there, we picked up Keisha's baby shower gift as well since we only brought carry-ons for the weekend. Now we were heading back to the house relaxing before dinner.

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