~*Chapter 53*~

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Another gig another dollar! I'd just finished my set at the club and we were heading back to the hotel so I could get some rest. I was exhausted and really just wanted to climb into be and go to sleep. What time we leave tomorrow I said to Tyler as we got into the town car? Jacksonville ain't that far from here so we'll leave about 11 and get there with enough time for you to get a couple hours of rest before going to the club. Ok I said leaning my head back on the seat. Yo you good Teddy said looking at me. Tired is what I am, but other than that I am alright. If you not feeling well tell us and we can pull you out. I am fine yall I promise I just need to eat get a hot shower and rest. Ok they both said looking at me. Was I telling the complete truth to them? No, I wasn't, and I wasn't going to tell them that I wasn't feeling 100% either. After coming back from Alabama, I haven't felt right it's just something in my soul that feels like my entire life has been a lie. How could my father not tell me that my grandfather was in Philly that whole time? And then he sat there and had Danielle suffer for 5 years when he could have gone to them for help. I mean damn he couldn't help me but at least he could have helped Danielle. It's just been stressing me out and not being able to talk to him about it because I don't want to disrespect him, but I also feel like he owes us an explanation.

You talk to Lisa today? Earlier this morning she was heading to rehearsals, I said looking at Tyler. Ah ok I was just wondering he said playing with his phone. You better not call her either, I am telling you I am fine. See about that if you really aren't she finds out we didn't tell her, I don't wanna lose my job. She can't fire you; you work for me. He chuckled a little sure the same way Stephanie works for her. She does, I don't overstep that boundary with her. So, you saying that our loyalty is to you, Teddy said. Exactly! So then been truthful with us you ain't feeling well, we could tell during your performance. You could? Mhm you weren't yourself and you weren't even hyping the crowd up. It was just like you were going through the motions. Yall work for me so whatever I tell yall stays between us right! Of course, they both said looking at me. I haven't been 100% lately, I don't know if this Dj'ing lifestyle is for me anymore. In and out of cities, spending my weekends in the club, I am getting too old for that shit. What is it that you want to do? I don't know that's the thing, all I've ever wanted to do was be a Dj and now I am one and it's not as satisfying as I thought it would be. Is it the traveling that's the problem would you prefer to be full time in Atlanta? I mean that would help but eventually I'd get tired of that too. Honestly, I kind of miss my job at the radio station. You worked at the radio station? Yeah, where do you think I got my start, I worked the night shift at the radio for almost a year before they let me start running the show, and then a few months more before they gave me an afternoon spot. What do you miss about it, Teddy said intently looking at me? Well for one I ain't gotta be dressed like this every day. But I also miss the stability of it, Monday through Friday, certain holidays off. And the perks oh my god the perks of that job were amazing. So why not go back? I can't just go back I mean I am making a career out of this DJ'ing thing. How would I look quitting? No one said that you had to quit Dj'ing, but you could do both. There are plenty of clubs in Atlanta that would kill to have you as the resident Dj, Tyler said. I think I get what she's saying Teddy said looking at me, you ready to settle down and you think being a DJ will interfere with that. I chuckled a little before nodding. I am about to get married what I look like parading around playing music when I should be home with my family? That's a good question for you to discuss with Lisa, but you can't give up your dreams just to have a family either. Hmm maybe you're right. Look you'll get something to eat and rest tonight, do the show tomorrow and take some time off to focus and figure out what you want to do. And what about my money! Money will be there Remi your health is more important. I took in what they said, and to some extent they were right, I'd dreamed of this lifestyle and now that I got it, I wanted to give it up for something that was uncertain.

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