~*Chapter 2*~

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dMs. Lopes you are indeed pregnant. How far along doctor? Not too far about 4 weeks. What are my options? Your options? Yeah, I am only 4 weeks what are my options if I don't want to keep the baby? He cleared his throat before speaking again, are you thinking about terminating the pregnancy? I just want to know all of my options I said looking at him. Well he said taking a seat and explaining to me the options that I had in regards to this pregnancy. I thanked him and took the prescription before heading to the studio to finish up these songs for the album. I planned to go to the studio at a certain time so I wouldn't run into anyone and have to explain why I've been acting weird lately, so I wasn't expecting to see Tionne in the studio when I walked in either.

Hey Li! Hey Ti. You ok girl? Yeah, I just wasn't expecting anyone to be here right now. Oh well I can leave if you want me too, she said looking at the door. No, it's okay, I guess I should tell you know before you find out some other way. What, everything good? Ti I am pregnant. What! 4 weeks and I don't know what to do, what to think? Have you told Andre? No, I haven't I've just been trying to keep it to myself because I don't know if I am going to keep the baby or not. You thinking about adoption? The other A I said not looking at her. Oh, are you sure you want to do that Lisa, I mean I know you and Andre ain't in the best in spot but to get rid of the baby like that? I don't know Ti, it's just a lot, I want a baby but I can't bring a baby into this type of relationship where I am not 100% the baby's father is going to be around or the baby's father may take me out. I get it and I understand but you know you got a support system we'll help you raise the baby. And you know your mom would love to have a little baby around. She did ask me when we're going to have a baby. She wants you to be happy Li. Yeah, she does I said thinking about Remi. I never imagined having children with anyone other than Remi we had pact, I'd carry her babies and she'd carry mine. I never imagined carrying someone else's baby.

Ti! Mhm! How would you feel if Justice was pregnant? I'd be pissed cause I ain't got a dick so I know she been dipping out on me. I mean how would you feel if you and her planned for her to get pregnant? I don't know, I haven't thought about us getting that far. Really, you want to marry her though right. I do but children. Yeah children and a family you know. I guess if we planned it together, I'd be happy, I mean I've always wanted to have a baby she said smiling a little. Maybe it won't be a bad thing I said thinking about it. It won't Li, and I promise we got your back. Thanks, Ti. No problem. Little sister is gonna have a baby she said rubbing my stomach. Ugh stop! You're gonna be so cute waddling around here eating all the snacks. Wow so you saying I am gonna be fat. I said you would be waddling I ain't shit about you being fat she said laughing.

Whatever Tionne just wait till Justice knock yo ass up. We gon be waiting a long ass time for that to happen. What you working on! This song she said pressing play on it. I listened to it for a few moments before stopping it. I know you kidding right! What you don't like it? Given my current situation and yours, you think it's wise to be singing about creeping. It's a story from my past. Your past, more like your current Tionne. You gon rub that shit in that girl's face. She didn't say anything she just looked off guilty as hell cause she knew she was doing wrong. But I won't judge her cause I'd done my fair share of dirt in the past. It's not about the current situation, it's about a relationship before her. But you admit you creeping on her now, right. Can we not! Yeah whatever we won't discuss it now I said. Despite my dislike for the song I helped her with it any way and in return she helped me with a song I was working on as well. Before we knew it, it was 3 in the morning and we were leaving the studio. Page me when you get home, she said giving me a hug. Alright girl you be safe too. I will I am going to my good spot she said wiggling her eyebrows. She gone let you in at 3 in the morning! Let me in, girl I got a key to that house and her. If you say so I said laughing as I got in my car.

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