~*Chapter 57*~

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8 months later...


"Mommy! Mommy! Mom...I am not! Mommy what's the matter don't you recognize us! Us! Me and brother! Brother what is going on? Where am I? Mommy you're in Heaven! Heaven! Did I die? No mommy you didn't die! Then how would I recognize you? You'll see they said smiling!"

Baby! Baby wake up! Oh my god I said breathing heavy. Baby you ok, you were talking in your sleep. I was! Yeah, talking about being in Heaven and stuff. Who were you talking to? No one I guess I said sitting up. Careful you weren't supposed to be sleeping that position anyway ma'am. It was comfortable, and my back has been killing me. I know baby you are carrying a lot of extra weight for you small body. Ha ha very funny I said rolling my eyes at her. It's your fault I am in this situation to begin with. Technically it's Sean's fault, we're both in this situation, cause what I go through you go through as well. True that, we'll have to thank him again for doing us this favor. When we get back to the states, we will do just that she said pecking my cheek before getting up and leaving the room. I let out a deep breath before reaching for the journal on the nightstand to jot down this recent dream. I've been having the same dream for the last 7 months and while it's the same dream it always starts at a new spot. This time we were in a field of flowers, and they were playing. I was watching innocence in its purest form as the two of them played completely unaware of all of the bad stuff that was going on around them. This was the first time however that they spoke to me, all of the other times it was just an intense feeling and the exchange of looks. But this time they actually spoke to me, and I didn't recognize them, but I knew who they were. I felt it in my soul that they were my children. Me and Remi's babies. I knew it wasn't the safest time for us to travel here or anywhere for that matter, but I wanted to get a little time to relax before we were so busy that we wouldn't be able to take some time to ourselves. And now I am thinking it really was needed if I am indeed pregnant with twins. Everyone thinks it's just one and of course the sonogram only showed one, but a mother knows, I feel it deep in my soul and my body for sure is giving signs that its more than one little human being in there.

Of course, there are the telltale signs like the fact that I gained an extra 15 pounds more than I should have. And let's not even get on the fact that I have heart burn all the time, I went from being able to eat all the spicy food I could handle to having to eat completely bland food cause the spice burns my esophagus and my ass hole equally. I journaled a little bit before Remi came back into the room. You ready to eat! You were cooking? Yes, baby you gotta eat, besides everyone else is hungry and we're waiting on you. Everyone else! Lisa for real are you ok? I am fine baby. You sure you fine cause you acting a little spacey and you forgot that we go other people with us. It's nothing baby! Don't lie to me Lisa we been through too much for you to lie to my face she said crossing her arms. Ok I said patting the bed for her to come some sit next to me.

I am sorry for lying I am just a little confused right now. Confused about what? All of this us being married, I am pregnant, and.... wait are you saying you don't want to be married. No, I am not saying that! I'd never say that I am saying I am confused because we prayed for this to happen for so long that I am scared sometimes that it's all a dream and that one day I am going to wake up and all of this happiness will be gone. Baby it's not a dream, it's real life we're married been married for almost 2 years, you are carrying our future, our legacy. Everything we've busted our asses for is for that baby in your stomach. Yeah, we've been through some shit, but it was worth it to get to this happy spot in our lives she said taking my hands. I love you so much Lisa, I don't think you really understand how much I do being in that...Don't you aren't in prison anymore and that doesn't define you. In fact, it's like it never happened your record is clean. Still doesn't take it away from up here she said point to her head. I know Oluremi that I love you and I would never judge you for something that wasn't your doing I said kissing her forehead. You know you're the only one that makes that name sound beautiful she said rolling her eyes. It's very beautiful baby. It's different though. Unique yes, it is but it has meaning to it. We still haven't chosen any names. I think when we see them, we'll know what to name them. Them she said raising an eyebrow at me. Uhh didn't you say you were cooking I said trying to get up. I did and I am done, Li you know it's just 1 baby right, we have the sonograms. But how can we be so sure it's only one I mean sonograms lie all the time. We heard the heartbeat as well. We could have heard 2. Lisa baby its 1, I think the doctor would have told us if there were twins. Ok well humor me for a minute if it was twins would you be ok with that? Of course, I would, those are my babies I'll love them no matter what. That's all I wanted to hear I said smiling as she helped me out the room. You said we brought people with us! Who all came, you know pregnancy brain be getting me sometime. Not too many people, just us, Rei, Ron, Ti...wait a minute Tionne came! Yeah, she's here. Not sure how Justice pulled that off, but she did she said laughing. And if you think that's a shocker, guess who the last person is? Who? Chill I said seeing her walking out with Tron. Hey Lili! You sleep good! Babe they both came. They sure did she said smiling at me. I never thought in a million years I'd get these two come to Honduras, they said "if there ain't no TV or room service we ain't going!". You good Lili! Yeah, this pregnancy brain really got me I said shaking it off and noticing where we were staying at.

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