~*Chapter 15*~

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Well well where you this weekend? Why you in my business I said to Rei as I walked in the kitchen. You can't tell where she was look at how she walking, Ron said laughing. Why yall in my house any way I said ignoring their comments cause I wasn't about to tell them that I was in Augusta knocking boots with Remi. I mean we ain't knock boots the whole weekend, but I mean we did have some good sex and my body definitely needed it too. She relieved all kinds of stress that I had and I was grateful for every single moment of it. The weekend was much needed and we agreed that we needed to start over and work on being friends more than anything else. Of course, friends that knock boots regularly at that.

Duh we're here to eat all of your food. I am a start charging yall for food! Haha you funny they said laughing. Where Trina? Don't know she wasn't here when we got here? Hmm maybe she went to take her daughter back to her mom's house. Maybe so! You know mama is having that family dinner on Saturday night. Yeah, I remember at 7. Yup I'll be there. You think Ti will show up? Why wouldn't she, I mean that is her uncle. I was wondering they said she was losing her mind over something. Huh! Shit, I forgot I was supposed to check on her when I got back. Too wrapped up in Remi forgot about your best friend. Shut up I said popping Ron in the back of the head as I went to grab the phone to two call her. I called her 4 times before hanging up and two waying her. Still no response. Maybe she found her and they are working on their relationship. I pray they are, cause the two of them are worse than Ike and Tina some days.

A few more days passed and Ti still hasn't returned my calls. It wasn't like I was waiting for her to call, but damn she could have at least let me know if she was good. I was expecting her to be at the dinner tonight but she still hasn't shown up yet. I sipped my champagne as we I watched everyone mingle till, I felt someone kiss my shoulder. I looked over shoulder hoping that it wasn't Andre cause he known to pop up at shit he wasn't invited too. Mm you look to good she said greeting me with a hug. You just go around kissing random people shoulders? I know your shoulder from other womens. Is that right! Yeah you got the birth mark remember. Yeah you right, I said laughing. Is the whole family with you I said looking to see who came with her? Naw it's just me, daddy, and Pauline she said rolling her eyes. Ooo do I sense attitude baby? I just don't see why she had to come to this family event, I mean she at damn near every other event we have. Do you not like her? It ain't even that, it's just... you know what this isn't the place to discuss this she said. Here take this I said handing her the champagne glass. Just relax and let's enjoy our family. You right she said smiling as she took the glass and took a sip. Mm this is good. It's the good stuff. Where is Ti I thought you said she'd be here? I don't know I've been calling and two waying her for days and no word. You ask her mom? Naw I know she's private, she'll get back to me when she can.

The family dinner turned out to be more than just a family dinner. It was actually an engagement party for my mom and her boyfriend. The dinner was all a ploy to get the family there so he could propose the right way with her kids there. I was really happy for my mom, she more than anyone else deserved happiness. She'd been through so much with my father through years that at one point she said she'd rather be alone than to deal with another man that was going to treat her the way he'd treated her. And then comes along Ti's uncle and all of that talk went out the window. They were always doing stuff together, and he introduced her to his kids. And she introduced us to him as well. I was happy for them. I peeped Remi watching her dad and Pauline though, she looked annoyed by the shear fact that she was even breathing in the vicinity of her father.

Hey you ready! Huh! You ready, let's get out of here. You sure, I mean the party ain't over. I am positive come on, we'll go back to my house and relax. Your house! Mhm we can pop some popcorn and watch movies. That sounds good to me. Ok I'm gonna go tell my mom bye. Alright, I am gonna let my dad know I am leaving and I'll meet you in the lobby. Cool I said as we parted ways to go and say good night to everyone. You leaving baby! Yes ma'am, I am gonna turn in and try to make it to church in the morning. Girl don't even lie like that. I am serious mama. We'll see. Remi going with you? Mhm she needs to talk. About her she said looking at Pauline. How did you know? Her father's been single for years and now he's interested in someone it was bound to happen. I am gonna try to get her to see that it's not a problem for him to fall for someone else. Just let her talk and you listen. Ok I said nodding hugging her. Hey mama, you heard from Ms. Gayle? Mhm I have she said not saying anything more. They didn't come tonight? They had some business to take care of. Business to take care of! Your focus is her Lisa, don't get distracted with nothing else she said pointing to Remi. She knew something that she wasn't telling me. Ma...Good night baby she said patting my back and motioning for me to leave. I let out a sigh and went out to the lobby to wait for Remi. She came out a few minutes later with this annoyed look on her face and I knew this talk was going to be one for the books.

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