~*Chapter 33*~

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I was a little nervous about flying across country to see Lisa, especially since she didn't specifically tell me why she needed me to come in a hurry. But I am glad I came. I can see that she's willing and capable of putting in the work to make our relationship successful. This situation with Andre though is concerning to me, the fact that he can just pop up and get into her room like that don't sound right to me. And it certainly don't sit right with me when it comes to my girlfriend. She may think she has it under control, but I can tell she doesn't and I will have to handle him accordingly when the time is right. But I hope he pops up while I am here cause I got a few choice words for his ass and trust they won't involve me calling security either.

We went and dropped my stuff at the hotel before meeting the rest of the crew at a restaurant not far from the hotel they were staying in. We were all sitting around the table eating and talking when I felt like someone was staring at me. I knew the feeling all too well cause the girls in prison would stare at me the same way. They thought because I was quiet and stayed to myself that they could try me. A couple of them got the best of me but the rest of them knew that I wasn't to be played with at all. I glanced around the table and noticed that Chilli was staring at me. Not glancing, no she was full on looking directly at me, we made eye contact for a few moments before I raised an eyebrow at her and she diverted her attention to someone else at the table. I leaned forward like I was listening to the conversation so that I could touch Li's leg without it being apparent. She smirked and gripped my hand. Remi, I heard you hosted your first gig, how was it Ti said? It was good actually it was really good; I wasn't expecting that type of to turn out. You host parties you a dancer or something? Dancer, as in a stripper I said looking at her. She shrugged her shoulders and looked at me. No, I am not a dancer or a stripper I am a DJ. A DJ really! Chill, Li said holding my hand so I wouldn't go across the table on her. Yeah, a DJ, I am sure you know that women can do that right? Of course, I knew that we had a female DJ when we first started. Just wondered how it was you met Lisa and ended up on this trip she said looking at Li. Lisa and I have been friends for well over 20 years and when I moved down to Atlanta we reconnected. Interesting she's never mentioned you to us before and we know all of her friends. Chill stop, Li said again.

I see what this was, it was jealously of a new female in Li's life. I glanced at Li and she shook her head, like please don't hurt this girl in front of all these people. Hmph she's been in my cookie jar previously and now she's trying to assert dominance towards the wrong one. Ti chuckled at the interaction cause she knew as well as Lisa that Ms. Chilli didn't want any of this trust me on that. I am sorry Chilli if she didn't send my file to yall to review before I got here. Lisa next time make sure we're properly introduced I wouldn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. The expression on her face after I said that was classic. Lisa shook her head and Ti nodded like yeah she crazy for real. After that she didn't say anything else to me or even look in my general direction for that matter which was cool with me cause I wasn't here for her anyway. The person I wanted was right here next to me and that's all I cared about. After dinner they invited us to go back and chill but Li already knew what needed to go down so we kindly turned down the offer and went to handle some business of our own.

Mmm, I said licking my lips as I looked at her laying naked next to me. You happy now! Extremely! What about you, you stress free now? I feel like I am floating on a cloud she said smirking at me. A cloud is a good place to be at, I said laying back on the bed. Ignore that stuff that Chilli said earlier I don't know what was up with her. When did it happen? When did what happen? The two of you, cause that wasn't just some I don't know you type of energy, that was some, what are you doing with my woman type of energy. A long long time ago and trust it wasn't our decision for it to happen either. Now that sounds strange it wasn't yall decision. The so-called men we were dating at the time, were to say the least turned on by the idea of us "experiencing" one another. Let me guess Andre! Bingo she said rolling her eyes. And you let him talk you into doing it? Stupid I know, but at the time honestly, he wasn't doing it right so maybe she could. Did she? You don't want to know about that? No, I really do cause it seems to me like she still got a thing for you and I don't wanna have to worry about 2 people while you out on these tours.

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