~*Chapter 38*~

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I don't know why we had to have this meeting on a Sunday but here I am driving to the meeting at 9 in the damn morning. When I left Remi was cooking up a storm for the family, I told her to save me a plate cause it's one thing for me to cook it's another for my baby to get in that kitchen. Ugh damn meeting I mumbled to myself as I pulled up to the office building and locked the car before going in. Hey Chill! Hey Li long time no see. Girl please I saw you like...three weeks ago. It hasn't been three weeks, has it? Yeah, it has you been blissfully in love over there she said chuckling. Naw I've been working a lot trying to finish up this album. Oh, ok she said nodding. I heard that you got some auditions to be on some shows. I got a couple and how did you hear about that? Chill don't try to play me you know the streets be talking. Haha very funny she said rolling her eyes at me. Dallas told me. Ugh he only concerned cause I asked him to watch Tron while I go to the audition in LA. You sure you wanna leave your baby with him? I don't want to but I can't keep leaving him with my mom, I mean he's not her responsibility. But she's the most responsible person to leave a baby with. Well, he's gotta learn I am not his other baby mama's I need his help to raise his child. I get that but we talking about Dallas, he ain't exactly the most trusted person either. Well, he's going to have to learn, we're co-parenting and I need to know that he can have Tron for longer than 4 hours. Hey yall Ti said coming in the conference room. Hey Ti, how you doing? Physically I am doing ok, mentally not so well. What's going on? Before she could answer the question Bill walked in the room.

Good morning ladies. Morning Bill we all said. Sorry we had to meet on a Sunday but I gotta catch a flight out this afternoon and I wanted to get yall this information before I left. What's up Bill? Well, the promoters are asking about the last few shows. I knew it, I messed up yet another tour Ti said shaking her head. You didn't mess up the last shows Ti, it wasn't your fault. I should have never brought his ass around in the first place. They aren't upset about those shows. What do you mean they aren't upset those were big shows too weren't they? Not as big as they thought they'd be, and they are actually offering for yall to do those shows plus more. More like how many more? Well for sure the Sacramento show, but they want to add 3 Canadian shows, and 4 other US shows after that, ending with an HBO taped special in Atlanta. Really, we all said looking at him. Yup here are the details they sent over he said handing us the packet of information. Wow I said looking over the dates and cities. That itinerary right there alone is almost double the first leg of the tour. Double Tionne said looking up at him. Apparently, Sacramento was only half way sold during the first leg, with the delay, they saw an increase in demand for seats and it's now 95% sold. Sold, as in they already have dates for the shows. Tentative dates! Tionne isn't fully healed yet and I am still working on my solo project. No to mention Chill has her own stuff now. I understand but this is a great opportunity for all of yall to get your individual projects out to the world as well. We hadn't considered another leg of the tour; I mean at least no this early. We still hadn't done Europe or Asia and those markets have been demanding us for years. That's a lot of damn money Bill, Chill said. It is but yall are finally getting what yall deserve plus more. I need to consult my management first I said abruptly. Management they all said looking at me? I have management for my separate endeavors and we've been on a tight deadline for my solo project I just wanna make sure that I can keep everything in perspective. Interesting anyone I know? No, this person is selective on who they manage and they are doing me a favor by helping me with these projects. Oh, ok he said pursing his lips together. He always does that when we say something that he doesn't necessarily agree with. I know why he wanted to know, and he already gets 10% of everything TLC does from concerts, to brand deals, to walk on roles in movies he wasn't getting another dime of my money. Ti looked at me with this look before looking back at Bill. She's gonna ask me afterwards cause I hadn't mentioned anything to her about seeking other management. And no, I wasn't trying to leave the group, as I told Remi I truly need someone to look out for my best interests when it comes to those other projects, the same way Bill looks out for TLC, and I look out for Blaque and the other groups I am working with. We all sat there for a moment before our phones rang simultaneously as if it were planned. Yall expecting calls he said looking at us?

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