Fifty Three

231 4 0


March 15th,2015


| Dylan |

I sit up and ruffle my hair slightly and yawn. I look at my clock, how is it only 9?

I sigh glance around. Images of last night flash in my head and I smile turning my head and inhaling deeply. I'm able to get a slight scent of the shirt and that's when I remember I said that I'd go over to Luke's.

I get up and think, maybe I shouldn't change and just go over and cuddle with him. I slip on my TOMS and check over what I'm wearing. Ehhh, YOLO.

I open my door and pad down the stairs, I follow the noise I hear from the kitchen and when I come into the door frame. My eyes widen when I see my mother with a man who is someone I don't know. But the shocking part is the way that they're looking at each other, the way she used to look at my father, and the way my father used to look at her. I quickly rush the other way as I hear my mother yell my name, but I don't stop running. I cross the street and go through the fence to get to Luke's back yard. I quickly find the key to the back door and when I unlock it, I quickly shut it behind me.

I rush over to the stairs and up to Luke's room. When I walk in I stop rushing but rather watch as Luke lays there silently and peacefully sleeping. I sigh, I can't disturb him, I said I wouldn't. But I need him, I need to talk to him.

Quietly, I shut the door and slouch down to the ground. "I'm waiting for you to come over here you know?" I glance up, startled. Then I meet Luke's blue eyes which are cracked open tiredly.

"I didn't mean to wake you up, go back to sleep." I tell him.

"I heard you come up the stairs, that's why I woke up." He says and I notice the smile disappear on his lips. "We're you crying?" He asks me moving his head to get a better view of my face.

"No." I squeak looking away from him.

"Get over here." He commands. I slowly stand up and walk over to the side of the bed. He moves over and opens the covers for me as I slide in. "What's wrong?" He asks running his finger over my tear stained cheek.

"Nothing." I say. "I don't want to talk about it right now because I don't think I even can talk about it right now." I shake my head. "Just go back to sleep."

"Stop it, tell me what's wrong Dyl. Holding it in isn't going to help." He says.

"I-I..." I start but I choke on my words and let out a whimper.

"Shh." Luke shushes me as he rubs my back. "Breathe baby."

"She-She always said th-that she would never repl-place him." I cry.

"Who?" Luke mutters quietly.

"My mum." I cry. "She told me she would never replace my dad."

"And she has?" He asks me.

"Ye-yes, there was a man and I saw them. She was staring at him like how she did with my father." I cry burying my face as far as I can into Luke's neck.

"Everyone moves on Dylan." Luke says pulling back to look at me. He moves some hair out of my face and wipes the tears on my face. "I never thought I would move on after Juliana died, but I did. Sometimes it's for the better and you just have to go with it."

"Luke?" I ask after a short silence. He hums in response and I glance up at him. "I'm scared that I'll forget him."

"I'm always afraid to forget her, but you want to know something?" He asks me.

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